Bill Information > HB 1236
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HB 1236 - 2021-22
Protecting residential tenants from the beginning to end of their tenancies by penalizing the inclusion of unlawful lease provisions and limiting the reasons for eviction, refusal to continue, and termination.
Bill History
Jan 18
First reading, referred to Housing, Human Services & Veterans.
(View Original Bill)
Jan 26
Public hearing in the House Committee on Housing, Human Services & Veterans at 8:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
Feb 5
Executive action taken in the House Committee on Housing, Human Services & Veterans at 10:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
HHSV - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass.
(View 1st Substitute)
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Feb 9
Referred to Rules 2 Review.
Mar 1
Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading.
Mar 6
1st substitute bill substituted (HHSV 21).
(View 1st Substitute)
Held on second reading.
Mar 7
Amendment ruled beyond the scope and object of the bill.
Amendment ruled beyond the scope and object of the bill.
Floor amendment(s) adopted.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 54; nays, 44; absent, 0; excused, 0.
(View 1st Engrossed)
(View Roll Calls)
Mar 10
First reading, referred to Housing & Local Government.
Mar 11
Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Housing & Local Government at 8:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
Mar 18
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Housing & Local Government at 8:00 AM.
(Committee Materials)
HLG - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
(Majority Report)
Minority; do not pass.
(Minority Report)
Minority; without recommendation.
(Minority Report)
Mar 19
Passed to Rules Committee for second reading.
Mar 26
Placed on second reading by Rules Committee.
Apr 5
Committee amendment not adopted.
Held on calendar.
Apr 8
Floor amendment(s) adopted.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 28; nays, 21; absent, 0; excused, 0.
(View Roll Calls)
Apr 13
House concurred in Senate amendments.
Passed final passage; yeas, 54; nays, 44; absent, 0; excused, 0.
(View Roll Calls)
Apr 14
Speaker signed.
Apr 20
President signed.
Apr 22
Delivered to Governor.
(View Bill as Passed Legislature)
May 10
Governor signed.
Chapter 212, 2021 Laws.
(View Session Law)
Effective date 5/10/2021.
Available Documents
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Bill Documents
Fiscal Note
(Not Available)
Amendment Name | Num | Sponsor | Type | Description | Action |
1236-S AMH ABBA MORI 023 | 388 | Abbarno | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH ABBA MORI 025 | 389 | Abbarno | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH CALD BROD 081 | 360 | Caldier | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH CALD BROD 083 | 359 | Caldier | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH CHAM REIN 303 | 381 | Chambers | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | NOT ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH DUFA BROD 084 | 362 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 17 | NOT ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH DUFA MORI 016 | 351 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 17 | NOT ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH DUFA MORI 026 | 390 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH GILY BROD 085 | 367 | Gilday | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 20 | NOT ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH GILY MORI 024 | 369 | Gilday | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH GILY REIN 306 | 370 | Gilday | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | NOT ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH GRAH BROD 082 | 373 | Graham | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | WITHDRAWN 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH ROBE BROD 078 | 364 | Robertson | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 16 | WITHDRAWN 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH RUDE REIN 307 | 378 | Rude | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | NOT ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH YBAR BROD 080 | 377 | Ybarra | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 19 | NOT ADOPTED 03/06/2021 |
1236-S AMH CALD OLER 021 | 355 | Caldier | Floor | Pg 10 Ln 32 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH CALD REIN 302 | 386 | Caldier | Floor | Pg 17 Ln 34 | SCOPE AND OBJECT 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH DUFA BROD 073 | 354 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 17 Ln 33 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH DUFA BROD 086 | 363 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 17 Ln 33 | SCOPE AND OBJECT 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH DUFA MORI 018 | 352 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 29 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH DUFA MORI 019 | 353 | Dufault | Floor | Pg 10 Ln 37 | ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH GILY COOS 008 | 371 | Gilday | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 4 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH GILY MORI 017 | 368 | Gilday | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 24 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH KLIP BROD 071 | 384 | Klippert | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 4 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH LEAV BROD 066 | 372 | Leavitt | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 4 | ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH PETE BROD 087 | 385 | Peterson | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 20 | ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH VICK MORI 022 | 366 | Vick | Floor | Pg 11 Ln 26 | ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S AMH WALJ MORI 021 | 356 | Walsh | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 11 | NOT ADOPTED 03/07/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS HLG S2081.2 | Housing & Local Government | Committee | Striker | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 | |
1236-S.E AMS MULL S2587.1 | 576 | Mullet | Floor | Striker | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS FORT S2602.1 | 588 | Fortunato | Floor | Pg 18 Ln 40 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS FORT S2605.1 | 597 | Fortunato | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 25 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS FORT S2629.1 | 647 | Fortunato | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 21 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS GILD S2595.2 | 599 | Gildon | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 12 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS GILD S2614.1 | 600 | Gildon | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 12 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS GILD S2615.1 | 595 | Gildon | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 23 | OUT OF ORDER 04/05/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS HONE S2601.1 | 587 | Honeyford | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 12 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS SHOR S2600.1 | 598 | Short | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 9 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS SHOR S2607.2 | 594 | Short | Floor | Pg 6 Ln 39 | OUT OF ORDER 04/05/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS WARN S2603.1 | 601 | Warnick | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 31 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS WARN S2604.1 | 596 | Warnick | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 6 | OUT OF ORDER 04/05/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS MULL S2683.3 | 672 | Mullet | Floor | Striker | ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS FORT POPO 141 | 689 | Fortunato | Floor | Pg 19 Ln 8 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS FORT POPO 144 | 695 | Fortunato | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 31 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS FORT POPO 149 | 694 | Fortunato | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 20 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS GILD POPO 142 | 697 | Gildon | Floor | Pg 7 Ln 22 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS GILD POPO 146 | 698 | Gildon | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 16 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS GILD POPO 147 | 696 | Gildon | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 16 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS HONE POPO 140 | 702 | Honeyford | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 16 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS SHOR POPO 145 | 699 | Short | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 12 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS WARN POPO 143 | 700 | Warnick | Floor | Pg 8 Ln 12 | NOT ADOPTED 04/08/2021 |
1236-S.E AMS WARN POPO 148 | 701 | Warnick | Floor | Pg 12 Ln 35 | WITHDRAWN 04/08/2021 |
Available Videos
(Video links take you to the TVW website)
Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.
Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.