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The Wisconsin Emissions Reduction Credit (ERC) Registry assists facilities looking for emissions offsets to meet Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) permitting requirements. Facilities that voluntarily reduce emissions can use those reductions to generate ERCs which may be traded or used as NNSR permitting offsets. The NNSR permitting offsets are intended to help Wisconsin's nonattainment areas achieve compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) while still allowing economic growth in nonattainment areas.

The Wisconsin ERC Registry provides a central location for information about available ERCs and qualifying reductions that could be used to generate ERCs. This information will be useful to facilities wanting to locate or expand in areas designated as nonattainment.

More information about ERCs, including information on how to generate, bank, transfer and use ERCs, can be found in the following fact sheet:

State regulations (s. NR 408.06(7)(a)3., Wis. Adm. Code) require a source to notify the department prior to shutting down equipment or curtailing production when establishing emissions reductions that could be used to generate ERCs. Submittal of this voluntary form can satisfy that notification requirement:

How The Registry Is Organized

Listed below are both available ERCs and facilities that have identified creditable emissions reductions that could potentially be used to generate ERCs. The department has taken reasonable efforts to verify the accuracy of the tables below, but any information included below should only be used to facilitate conversations between ERC holders and facilities interested in obtaining ERCs. The department does not broker ERC transactions.

Available ERCs

Updated data posted on 10/14/22.

The following list contains ERCs that have been generated and are currently being maintained in elective operation permits. These ERCs are available for use, within certain limitations, as offsets in future NNSR permit applications. Facilities seeking to use these ERCs should contact the ERC holder directly. Purchasers should confirm the status and usability of specific ERCs with the department before completing any transaction.

Permit Number ERC Holder County of Origin Nonattainment Area Pollutant Quantity (tpy) Facility Contact Comment
599001000-E01 Wisconsin Electric Power Company D/B/A/ WE Energies Kenosha Chicago, IL-IN-WI 2015 ozone NAAQS NAA VOC 135.3 Mike Kolb
Shutdown of Pleasant Prairie Power Plant. Generated 9/7/2018
599001000-E01 Wisconsin Electric Power Company D/B/A/ WE Energies Kenosha Chicago, IL-IN-WI 2015 ozone NAAQS NAA NOx 2,634.3 Mike Kolb
Shutdown of Pleasant Prairie Power Plant. Generated 9/7/2018

Potential ERC List

Updated data posted on 04/18/24.

The following list contains proposed or achieved emission reductions that could potentially be used to generate ERCs. To be made into ERCs, these reductions would have to be established in a permit action. Facilities interested in using these reductions as offsets in NNSR permitting should contact the facility making the reductions directly. Both parties should then contact the department to coordinate permit applications.

Facility Making Emission Reduction County of Origin Nonattainment Area Pollutant Quantity of Reduction (tpy) Facility Contact Comment
We Energies – Oak Creek Power Plant Milwaukee Chicago, IL-IN-WI 2015 ozone NAAQS NAA NOx 483.5 Mike Kolb
Shutdown of Boilers B25 and B26, anticipated ~ May 2024.