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Transforming the understanding
and treatment of mental illnesses.

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Science News

Brain surrounded by interconnected beams of light.
Noninvasively Stimulating Deep Brain Areas to Treat Depression Symptoms

In a new neuroimaging study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, researchers used repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to target regions deep in the brain to help reduce depression symptoms.

Thumbnail image for the 'Speaking Up About Mental Health' National Essay Contest. The image features three gold award winners: a young woman from Tustin, CA, a young man from Jupiter, FL, and a young woman from Philadelphia, PA. Each winner's photo is displayed with their name and location underneath.
NIH Announces Winners of 2023-2024 High School Mental Health Essay Contest

Learn about the 24 youth who received prizes in the national essay contest addressing mental health and mental health stigma.

Illustration of a DNA helix over top of a human brain
Scientists Map Networks Regulating Gene Function in the Human Brain

An NIMH-funded research consortium has produced the largest and most advanced multidimensional maps of gene regulation networks in the brains of people with and without mental disorders.

sad little girl rest on swing
Characterizing Childhood Irritability Across Ages and Stages

NIMH-supported research captures expressions of irritability across developmental stages via a clinically relevant measurement tool: the MAPS Temper Loss Scale.

Women with her head in her hand holding a crying baby.
Basic Research Powers the First Medication for Postpartum Depression

75th Anniversary

Decades of NIMH-supported basic research led to a pioneering treatment for postpartum depression and continues to power exciting advances in women's mental health care.

Section of mouse cerebellum. Credit: Wang et. al., 2024, Neuron.
Understanding the Underpinnings of Sensory Hypersensitivity in SCN2A-Associated Autism

In this NIMH-supported study, researchers investigated the neural underpinnings of sensory hypersensitivity in SCN2A-associated autism.

Image showing transplanted human cortical organoids made from cells taken from individuals with Timothy syndrome with immunostaining. Chen et al., Nature.
Gene-Based Therapy Restores Cellular Development and Function in Brain Cells From People With Timothy Syndrome

In a proof-of-concept study, researchers demonstrated the effectiveness of a potential new therapy for Timothy syndrome, an often life-threatening and rare genetic disorder that affects a wide range of bodily systems, leading to severe cardiac, neurological, and psychiatric symptoms as well as physical differences such as webbed fingers and toes.

A smiling parent sits in an exam room holding her happy child and talking with a health care provider
Accelerating Science to Improve Early Autism Screening

75th Anniversary

Persistent, collective efforts in the research community show how making early autism screening part of routine health care can support the well-being of children and families.

Father and daughter arguing over homework. Daughter looks pouty and disgruntled.
Novel Treatment Helps Children With Severe Irritability

A new study by NIMH researchers demonstrated the effectiveness, feasibility, and safety of exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy for severe irritability and temper outbursts in children. The positive results set the foundation to continue exploring exposure therapy as a potential treatment for childhood irritability.

An image depicting the RDoC Framework.
Revolutionizing the Study of Mental Disorders

75th Anniversary

The Research Domain Criteria Initiative (RDoC) represented a new way to conceptualize the study of mental illnesses. In celebration of NIMH's 75th Anniversary, we reflect on the beginning and progress of this initiative.