OSHA Offices by State

Select a state to locate your local offices. Connecticut* CT* Massachusetts* MA* Maine* ME* New Hampshire NH Rhode Island RI Vermont* VT* New York* NY* New Jersey* NJ* Puerto Rico* PR* U.S. Virgin Islands VI* Pennsylvania PA Delaware DE Maryland* MD* West Virginia WV Virginia* VA* District of Columbia DC Florida FL South Carolina* SC* Georgia GA North Carolina* NC* Indiana* IN* Illinois* IL* Minnesota* MN* Wisconsin WI Michigan* MI* Ohio OH Oklahoma OK New Mexico* NM* Texas TX Nebraska NE Iowa* IA* Missouri MO Kansas KS North Dakota ND South Dakota SD Wyoming* WY* Montana MT Utah* UT* Colorado CO American Samoa AS California* CA* Arizona* AZ* Nevada* NV* Guam GU Hawaii* HI* Northern Mariana Islands MP Alaska* AK* Idaho ID Washington* WA* Oregon* OR* Alabama AL Arkansas AR Louisiana LA Kentucky* KY* Mississippi MS Tennessee* TN* Florida

* This is one of the 29 OSHA-approved State Plans. Twenty-two State Plans (21 states and Puerto Rico) cover both private and state and local government workplaces. The other seven State Plans (Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and the Virgin Islands) cover state and local government workers only.

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