Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Monday March 17, Red Flag Warning. No Open Burning in Boulder County

Transportation Master Plan
Modes of Travel

Transportation Master Plan (TMP)

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Connecting Communities. Planning for the Future.

Boulder County is a great place to live, work, and play. With beautiful scenery, over 62,000 acres of public open space and countless opportunities for recreation, a great sense of community, and strong local economies, there is so much to love about Boulder County.

Our multimodal transportation network connects our communities and places we want to go. Whether it’s taking a bus to work, riding a bike on the US 36 Bikeway, walking our kids to school, or driving to an appointment, Boulder County’s multimodal transportation network helps to get us there.

There are many ways to get around Boulder County, but rising costs, a growing population, and new technologies are changing how people use the transportation system. Rapid change means that not everyone has access to all transportation options. On top of these changes, costs to maintain the system continue to rise.

We can achieve our vision of a sustainable and inclusive transportation network, but we need to work together to prioritize our transportation investments, explore new funding options, and plan for the future. The county’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) provides a blueprint for Boulder County’s transportation system for the next 25 years.

The Boulder County TMP includes 5 key strategies to improve transportation in Boulder County:

Map of Transportation Master Plan projects

Interactive Map of TMP Projects – click to view

Boulder County’s transportation network consists of roadways, on-street bicycle facilities, transit services and facilities, sidewalk/pedestrian facilities, and shared use paths and structures that together move people safely and efficiently between communities within Boulder County and to the surrounding region. The TMP includes recommendations for improvements to the roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities and transit networks.

Current Projects:

Boulder County improves infrastructure, supports regional transit, connects the first and final mile portions of trips, and establishes transportation demand management programs. These investments strive to provide county residents with complete mobility options, providing people with a viable alternative to driving alone.

Completing the Trip Components

Main Trip

Improving and streamlining travel for all modes allowing users to get to and from local transit – easily and safely

Buffered shoulder provides separation between vehicles and bicyclists.

A wide shoulder provides area for bicyclists to ride.

Regional transit provides important connections.

Separated multiuse path provides a more comfortable riding experience.

First and Final Mile Connections

Transit within and outside of Boulder County

Transportation Demand Management (TDM)

Incentives and alternatives that reduce congestion

Bike-n-ride shelters provide secure bicycle storage.

Shuttle services can provide important connections.

Bicycle maintenance classes educate bicyclists about how to repair their bike.

Pass programs provide subsidies to make riding easier and more affordable.

Map showing the six primary travel corridors in Boulder County

Primary travel corridors in Boulder County – click for details

Boulder County travel corridors include local and regional routes that form an integrated transportation system. Boulder County considers each travel corridor as a geographic area encompassing all available and future modes. These regional multimodal corridors are essential to mobility throughout the county and region.

Regional Corridor Project Websites:

As Boulder County’s demographics change, it will become even more important for transportation infrastructure to include features designed to assist persons with mobility challenges. Mobility impairments include financial, physical, and cognitive challenges and can occur at any phase of life. The ability to navigate the community in a safe, efficient, and comfortable manner is key to maintaining livability and independence for all county residents.

Groups served:

  • People with low incomes
  • People with disabilities
  • Older adults
  • People who do not speak English
  • Youth and their families

Boulder County Programs:

Current Projects:

The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) identifies strategies to address the unique transportation challenges for residents of the mountain communities. Transportation connections are vital for Boulder County communities to function and prosper and for residents and visitors to enjoy the county’s recreational opportunities.

Mobility for All Mountain Driver Program
Hessie Trail Shuttle

Project Manager

Stacey Proctor – – 303-441-1107

Contact Us

Public Works Department (formerly Transportation)

Submit a request


2525 13th St.
Boulder, CO 80304

Map and Directions

Hours: Building Open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesdays and Thursdays

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306