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Staff Contact:  Noel Klimenko, assistant superintendent, Instructional Services Department (ISD)


Other Staff Present:

Colleen Eddy, director, Curriculum and Instruction (ISD)

Kirsten Maloney, coordinator, K-12 Advanced Academic Programs (ISD)


Meeting Category: November 14, 2022 - Regular Meeting


Subject:  2022-2027 Local Plan for the Gifted


School Board Action Required:  Information                   


Key Points: 


Division school boards are required by 8 VAC 20-40-60A to approve a comprehensive Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted that includes the components identified in the regulations. Upon approval, the school district shall submit a copy of its plan to the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) for technical review on a schedule determined by the VDOE.


Fairfax County Public Schools’ Local Plan for the Gifted 2022-2027 outlines a continuum of advanced academic services that are offered in grades K-12.  The plan was updated and revised to reflect the current state of FCPS’ Advanced Academic Programs, including updated focus on equity, Access to Rigor goals and their interactions with district focus on Portrait of a Graduate and approved changes from the 2020 external program review. The updated plan received feedback from stakeholders including the Advanced Academic Programs Advisory Committee and central office staff.  




That the School Board approve the 2022-2027 Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted.




Summary of Changes of Local Plan

2022-2027 Local Plan for the Gifted