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The Office of Contract Management and Procurement (OCMP)

The Office of Contract Management and Procurement (OCMP) is the primary procurement unit for the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), directly responsible

for handling all MDH procurements costing more than $50,000.

Although not subject to Division II of the State Finance and Procurement Article of the Maryland Annotated Code and Title 21 of the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) OCMP is responsible for handling interagency agreements with state universities and memoranda of understanding with sister state agencies.

At any given time, as a product of OCMP efforts, there are hundreds of MDH contracts in effect accounting for the expenditure of billions of taxpayer dollars. OCMP is also intricately involved in the development of procurement policy, management of contract compliance​ issues, implementation of the statewide socioeconomic programs, and generation of reports to MDH leadership and other State agencies.

MDH programs can submit procurement, interagency agreements, or memorandum of understanding requests through the MDH intranet. If you do not have access to the intranet, please contact Naisadh “Nick” Desai at for assistance.