“Live to the Beat” Campaign Toolkit
Million Hearts® collaborated with the CDC Foundation to develop the “Live to the Beat” campaign, which aims to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among Black adults ages 35 to 54.
The campaign encourages people to take small steps to address key risk factors like hypertension, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar.
This online toolkit includes user-friendly materials and resources you can use to educate and equip your audiences to practice heart-healthy habits that can help lower their risk for heart disease and stroke.
Please join us in sharing these lifesaving messages. From videos and social media graphics to interactive resources and printable materials, you can find the resources that work best for you and your audiences.
Video PSAs
These Live to the Beat: “Right Ways” and “On Rhythm” public service announcements (PSAs) feature motivating messages to encourage people to find a way that works for them to take heart-healthy steps—to their own beat. These videos can be viewed by clicking on the links below, or they can be downloaded from Dropbox.

How to Use These: Place these as TV PSAs or ads (locally, regionally or nationally); Use as videos embedded on your website, posted on your social media channels or shared via your communication channels; Feature the videos in presentations or at community events.
Educational Videos

“Live to the Beat” with KevOnStage
This 7-episode video series features Kevin Fredericks, AKA “KevOnStage” as he interviews a number of experts including doctors, wellness professionals and everyday people. The videos cover topics like getting active, eating healthy, working with a doctor, managing stress, and understanding risk factors.
How to Use These: Use as videos embedded on your website, posted on your social media channels or shared via your communication channels; Feature the videos in presentations or at community events; Host a viewing party to review/discuss the episodes.
- Episode 1 – KevOnTheDoc
- Episode 2 – Age is Just a Number
- Episode 3 – You Get it From Yo Mamma
- Episode 4 – Outta Sight, Outta Mind
- Episode 5 – Too Much Sauce
- Episode 6 – Ain’t Nobody Got Time for That
- Episode 7 – Finding Your Rhythm
Animated Educational Videos

These videos help to explain how certain risk factors and prevention strategies can affect your cardiovascular health.
How to Use These: Use as videos embedded on your website, posted on your social media channels or shared via your communication channels; Feature the videos in presentations or at community events.
- Watch Out for Sneaky Sodium – explains the effects that sodium has on the body
- Move More for a Healthy Heart – explains how physical activity can have a positive impact on your heart health
- Keep Your Cholesterol in Check – explains the impact healthy eating can have on controlling your cholesterol
- Rx for a Healthy Heart – explains how you may need medicine to take control of your blood pressure or cholesterol

Pulse Check
Share the Pulse Check, a digital interactive roadmap on LivetotheBeat.org/PulseCheck, to help your audiences learn all about small, heart-healthy steps and customize their own journey with tips, content, and quizzes. They can add to the fun by earning points and badges as they boost their knowledge along the way.
Stories from the Heart

These inspiring stories feature everyday people who have found ways to take heart-healthy small steps, in some cases after experiencing a cardiovascular event themselves. You share them directly from social media (see links below) or you can read them in the dedicated section on the Live to the Beat Media page. If you, or someone you know, experienced a cardiovascular event, such as a stroke or heart attack or have made a lifestyle change to improve your heart health, we’d love to hear about it. To learn more about Stories from the Heart features, or share your heart health story, visit bit.ly/lttbstoriesfromtheheart today!
- Tara Robinson
- James Young
- Lisa Smith
- ShantaQuillette Carter Williams
- Bernadette L. Harris
- Kayanna Scott
How to Use These: Share stories on your social media channels.
Print Materials
These print materials are available in various formats and sizes. They include a general message about how people can “Live to the Beat” and find their own rhythm to better heart health.
How to Use These:. Display posters, flyers or table tents in your building; Distribute flyers or postcards at your event; Use the materials as an ad for a print publication.
- Flyer and poster creative in two sizes: 8.5″×11″ and 11″×17″.
- Campaign postcards with two themes, highlighting specific steps to lower risk for heart disease all are sized at 4”x6”.
- Pulse Check postcards are available, also sized at 4”x6”.
- Table tents, which are 3D versions of the flyer and postcard art, are sized at 5”x7”.
- Download the files from Dropbox
Social Media Graphics

The campaign features a variety of graphics to promote key heart-healthy messages on social media and in digital communications.
How to Use These: Share graphics on your social media channels; Include graphics in your digital communication channels (e.g., e-newsletter, website, intranet).
Join the Community Ambassador Network
We invite you to join and spread the word about an exclusive network of trusted leaders, organizations, and businesses in the Black community to help us empower more adults to live their healthiest lives. As a “Live to the Beat” Community Ambassador, you can help those in your community lower their risk for heart disease and stroke. As an Ambassador, you would:
- Share heart-healthy messages and resources with your community.
- Promote sweepstakes where your audiences can win cool prizes for taking healthy steps.
- Gain national recognition and a chance to earn prizes of your own.
Visit bit.ly/communityambassadorsnetwork to express interest and check out the Live to the Beat catalog of resources [PDF – 1 MB].
Thank You
Creating change is possible only through collective action. We are grateful and proud to have your support and heart on the mission to reduce the risk of CVD among Black adults. Thank you for all you do!