
Welcome to the NC DNA Day teacher’s page!

Teacher signup is open and closes March 31, 2024.

Please sign up here (https://unc.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9zYlqWLkW2VKvPw) to request a DNA Day scientist visitor for your classrooms. If you have questions, please email us. We will notify teachers that are selected by April 1st. Thank you for your interest!

All classroom activities were developed by UNC DNA Day ambassadors for high school students. Please visit our modules page for more information about each activity.

What to expect as a DNA Day host teacher

Based on ambassador availability, we will do our best to accommodate as many classrooms as possible for NC DNA Day.  If your classroom is selected, you will be matched with a scientist from an NC research institution (UNC, Duke, NC State, Wake Forest, NIEHS, UNC Charlotte, or others).  Matching occurs in mid-March.  You will coordinate with your scientist ambassador to schedule a virtual visit to with your class on or around April 25.

During the visit, the ambassador will teach an interactive and engaging module on an aspect of genetics and biotechnology (see modules page for more details).  In addition, the ambassador will talk with your students about his or her own research and about exciting careers in biotechnology!  Please plan to be online during the presentation, as we ask all of our participating teachers to complete a short evaluation of their experience that we use to make NC DNA Day even better.  Thanks for your interest, and we hope to see you on DNA Day!

Quotes from teachers about DNA Day

“The presentation was fantastic, and my students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were motivated and engaged!”

“This was a great presentation that built onto what the students have learned and provided them with new info.”

“I think my Biology students have had a great benefit from this lecture and presentation.”

“Wonderful! Thanks so much! This showed my students real world application of the curriculum.”

“My students were able to see that science is truly relevant to every day life.”

Quotes from students about DNA Day

“I forgot how much one could do with a background in science. It opens doors that I can’t wait to discover.”

“The ideas/concepts were presented in a colorful way yet understandable way to both teach us and keep our attention.”

“Today I realized that there were many more career options in science than I realized before.” “I liked the activity and the enthusiasm of the researchers. Also, the accuracy and detail of the presentation.”

Questions?  Send us an email!