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Invasive Species

Working with residents and partners to slow the spread

Invasive plants, animals and pests are taking a toll on Wisconsin's lakes, rivers and landscapes. The DNR is working with residents and partners to slow the spread of invasive species. Through educational outreach, strategic planning and active management we are protecting our environment and economy from invasives.

What are invasive species?

Why should we care?

Invasive species impact our economy, health, recreation and natural resources.

Rules and Regulations

Wisconsin's invasive species rule makes it illegal to possess, transport, transfer or introduce known invasive species.


Report new populations of invasive species to slow their spread.


Prevent the spread of invasive species.


Eradicate and control invasive species on your land.

Permits and licenses

To transport, possess, transfer or introduce an invasive species, apply for the correct permit.

Invasive species contacts

Questions? Find an appropriate staff person to contact.
Invasive species contacts


Order publications on invasive species and ways to slow their spread.

Firewood rules

Get firewood facts, rules and advice.
Firewood rules

Aquatic Invasive Species

Learn about aquatic invasive species (AIS) efforts.
Aquatic Invasive Species

Best management practices

General Best Management Practices (BMP) to prevent and slow the spread of invasives.
Best management practices

Boat and Bait Laws

Check transport and baits laws to prevent and control the spread of aquatic invasive species and diseases in Wisconsin.
Boat and Bait Laws

Boating Best Management Practices

Best Management Practices for boat, gear, and equipment decontamination and disinfection.
Boating Best Management Practices

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Fish Virus

What is viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) fish virus?
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Fish Virus