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Renewables Ready Communities Award

wind and solar energy in the snow
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Renewables Ready Communities Award


Zona Martin

Ian O'Leary

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) protects Michigan's environment and public health by managing air, water, land, and energy resources, and is focused on addressing climate change, diversity, equity, and inclusion. In 2023, Governor Gretchen Whitmer's budget allowed for state funds to reward renewable energy adopters in the state. As such, in fiscal year (FY) 2024, EGLE will provide $5,000 per megawatt (MW) to permitters and expectant hosts of eligibility utility-scale renewable energy projects which underwent local permitting processes, with $2,500 per MW granted to each awardee in cases when host and permitter differ. There is no deadline to apply to this solicitation. This award will remain open until funds are depleted.

Preview of the Renewables Ready Communities Award (RRCA) Dashboard
Preview of the Renewables Ready Communities Award (RRCA) Dashboard

Renewables Ready Communities Award Summary Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of the awarded municipality with the eligible renewable energy projects, award amount, the intended use of their award, and additional details.

Eligibility Requirements

Any municipality which hosts or permitted for any portion of an eligible project may apply. An eligible project is a grid-connected wind, solar, or energy storage project in Michigan which received a land use permit or approved site use plan on or after October 1, 2023.

All projects must be at least 50 MW, unless any wind energy is involved, in which case a project must be at least 100 MW. All capacity values refer to nameplate capacity in alternating current.

Permitting is the procurement and approval of a land use permit or approved site use plan for the eligible project. Hosting is the containment of energy technology within the smallest involved municipality's boundaries.

Since this application may be completed before a project begins construction, hosting also refers to communities which expect to host, as per their relevant permitting documentation.


Funding Amount

Applicants who both host and permit for their portion of an eligible project will receive $5,000 per MW they did so for. Applicants who either host or permit for their portion of an eligible project will receive $2,500 per MW they did so for. The maximum funding amount for a single project is $3,000,000. The total funding available is $30,000,000, awarded on a rolling basis.

50% of each award will be disbursed upon project construction. The remaining 50% will be disbursed upon project operation.

The specific quantity of megawatts permitted and/or hosted by a municipality will be provided by the project’s partnering renewable energy developer.

Awardee Obligations

  • Notify EGLE when project begins construction.
    • At this point, begin spending award funds according to the community’s Award Use Plan.
    • This event could occur many years after grant agreement. 
  • Notify EGLE when project becomes operational.
  • Attend biannual award use check-in meetings.
  • Submit summary reports. 
