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Sponsor-A-Highway Program

INDOT’s Sponsor-A-Highway program helps significantly reduce the roadside trash problem on Indiana’s interstates and select high-speed highways not covered under the Adopt-A-Highway program.

The program coordinates with individuals or community groups, who hire a private, INDOT-approved litter-control company that performs litter control in the name of the individuals or groups on one-mile segments of Hoosier interstates or select high-speed highways.

In return for individuals or groups hiring a vendor, INDOT will place a recognition panel sign at the beginning of the interstate or high-speed highway segment sponsored as acknowledgement.

If you are a member of an organization seeking opportunities to beautify areas near your place of business or within your community, look into the Sponsor-A-Highway program. Cleaner interstates and high-speed highways in your area will significantly improve the aesthetics and morale of those who drive in your area. Cleaner roadsides have been shown to actually decrease the frequency of littering.


Groups will hire litter-control vendors to clean each one-mile segment at least 12 times per year. In areas where there is a grassy median as part of the segment, the area included extends from the edge of pavement to the middle of the median in both directions of travel. If the median has a concrete barrier wall, it is not included.

Support from INDOT

INDOT will issue district-wide permits for the litter-control vendors to pick up trash along the one-mile segment.


INDOT will erect recognition signs with your group’s name.

How to Sponsor-A-Highway

For additional help, interested parties may contact INDOT customer service (855-463-6848) in order to be put in touch with the appropriate coordinator. Or, submit an electronic request; in the bottom field of the form, indicate the city, county and/or specific one-mile stretch of interstate or high-speed INDOT highway you are interested in sponsoring.

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