COVID-19 CNS Meal Service Needs

Thank you for everything you are doing to ensure kids continue to have food during the COVID-19 crisis! 

Are you okay with us sharing your contact information with partner organizations that can offer you assistance?*

What Do You Need Help With?

With schools closed through the end of the school year, we would like to know about your needs over the next several months. Please use the 3 sections below to tell us about your immediate needs (April), mid-term needs (May-June), and long-term needs (July onwards). 

Food Needs

Do you have any IMMEDIATE (April) food needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.
Do you have any MID-TERM (May-June) food needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.
Do you have any LONG-TERM (July onward) food needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.

Food Packaging Needs

Do you have any IMMEDIATE (April) food packaging needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.
Do you have any MID-TERM (May-June) food packaging needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.
Do you have any LONG-TERM (July onward) food packaging needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.

Sanitation/Cleaning Supply Needs

Do you have any IMMEDIATE (April) sanitation/cleaning supply needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.
Do you have any MID-TERM (May-June) sanitation/cleaning supply needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.
Do you have any LONG-TERM (July onward) sanitation/cleaning supply needs? Check all that apply. If "Other", please be as specific as possible.

Staffing Needs

Do you have any IMMEDIATE (April) staffing needs?
Do you foresee having MID-TERM (May-June) staffing needs?
Do you foresee having LONG-TERM (July onward) staffing needs?

Other Needs and Resources

Do you have any DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT needs right now?
Do you need assistance creating an emergency response plan for your school meals program should a staff member test positive for COVID-19?
Are you interesting in distributing information on other resources that may help families in your district?