Documents on this website are being reviewed and updated as necessary to comply with President Trump's executive orders.


The following documents provide an overview of ACL's budget and how the budget supports ACL’s initiatives and programs.

Visit here for details on mandatory grant allocations.

FY 2025

ACL's Budget Request

  • FY 2025 Congressional Budget Justification - Complete details about the budget requested for ACL for FY 2025.
    • Note: The budget request includes several requests for changes to laws that give ACL the authority to operate its programs. Most of these affect only ACL's programs and are outlined within ACL's budget justification (a short description is found starting on page 11, with complete details starting on page 300). 

      In addition, the budget justification for the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund includes a legislative request focused on disaster response that was submitted in partnership with ACL. The request proposes to establish a disaster human services emergency fund, which would provide a mechanism to direct funds to support delivery of coordinated and targeted human services following disasters.  The proposal can be found on page 61 of the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund budget request, which is page 344 of the HHS Congressional Justification for Departmental Management activities within the Office of the Secretary(link is external)
  • Budget Table - A snapshot of funding levels requested for ACL's programs
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services FY 2025 Budget in Brief(link is external) (ACL's chapter begins on page 146)

FY 2024

ACL's Budget Request

  • FY 2024 Congressional Budget Justification - Complete details about the budget requested for ACL for 2024. 
    • Note: The budget request includes several requests for changes to laws that give ACL the authority to operate its programs. Most of these affect only ACL's programs and are outlined within ACL's budget justification (a short description is found on page 16, with complete details found on page 313). In addition, the budget justification for the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund(link is external) includes a legislative request focused on disaster response that was submitted in partnership with ACL. The request proposes to establish a disaster human services emergency fund, which would provide a mechanism to direct funds to support delivery of coordinated and targeted human services following disasters. 
  • Budget Table - A snapshot of funding levels requested for ACL's programs
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services FY 2024 Budget in Brief(link is external) (ACL's chapter begins on page 135)

FY 2023

    ACL's Budget Request

FY 2022

    ACL's FY 2022 Budget Request

    Additional funding 

FY 2021

    ACL's FY 2021 Budget Request

ACL and CDC Partnership to Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Access - March 29, 2021

Vaccination is critical for many people with disabilities and older adults, because they are significantly more likely to have a severe illness, be hospitalized, or die from COVID-19. With funding from the CDC, ACL provided nearly $100 million in grants for the aging and disability networks to provide critical services to help overcome those barriers. Visit here for details on the distribution of the $50 million in state funds for grants for the aging network.

American Rescue Plan of 2021

ACL issued grants totaling $1.4 billion to help older adults recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Funded through the American Rescue Plan, these grants to the aging services network in every state and territory will help provide meals and other nutrition services, support family caregivers, help older adults connect and engage with others to reduce social isolation, re-open senior centers, and help residents of nursing homes resolve complaints. The grants also will help accelerate vaccination of older adults by funding the aging service network to conduct outreach and education, assist people with scheduling and attending vaccination appointments, and connecting people to in-home vaccination services.

Allocation tables for the grants provided to states and territories are available below:

Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021

The Coronavirus Response & Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 provided ACL $275 million to be allotted to three categories:

  • $168 million for Nutrition Services under the authority of Title III-C-2 of the Older Americans Act;
  • $7 million for Native American Nutrition and Supportive Services under the authority of Title VI, Parts A&B of the Older Americans Act; and
  • $100 million in first-time direct funding for Elder Justice Activities/Adult Protective Services under the authorities of the Elder Justice Act.

Allocation tables for the $168 million for Nutrition Services and $7 million for Nutrition and Supportive Services are available below:

FY 2020

Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, into law on March 27. The Act provides a total of $2.2 trillion, with $955 million directed to ACL programs, including the following Older Americans Act programs:

  • $200M for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) under Title III-B )
  • $480M for nutrition programs under Title III-C 
  • $20M for nutrition and related services for Native American Programs under Title VI 
  • $100M for the National Family Caregiver Support Program under Title III-E 
  • $20M for the Ombudsman Program under Title VII 

The Act also provided $85M for Centers for Independent Living under Title VII, Part C, Chapter I of the Rehabilitation Act. 

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (2020) Supplemental Funding for OAA Nutrition Programs

FY 2019

FY 2018

Note: If you require any assistance accessing the information in ACL’s Congressional Justification, please contact Matt Cutler at 202-205-8354.

FY 2017
FY 2016
FY 2015
FY 2014
FY 2013




Other Links

FY 2012



FY 2011

Last modified on 04/01/2024

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