Financial Capability Month Reading Days 2022 - Educator Commitment

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, Jump$tart Washington and the Financial Education Public Private Partnership are sponsoring 2022 Financial Capability Month Reading Days in Washington - where a community leader reads a pre-selected book with a financial education focus to an elementary or middle school classroom and engages students in a discussion or exercise relating financial education topics to everyday life (budgeting, saving, investing, etc.). Thank you for agreeing to host a reader in your classroom! Please fill out the following survey to help us match you with a community leader to read to your students. If you have questions, please contact Melody Cahill at 360-902-8789 or

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Title

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* 3. Name of your school (please include "elementary" or "middle school" as appropriate

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* 4. Email

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* 5. Phone

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* 6. Mailing Address (where we will send the book)

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* 7. If the form above does not accept your mailing address, please enter it here.

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* 8. Dates/times you can accommodate a reader in April 2022


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* 9. If you are available for a large block of time, you may enter additional availability here 

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* 10. Preferred reader & contact information

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* 11. Have you participated in Reading Days in the past?