Los Angeles County Childcare Provider Recovery (CPR) Grant

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The goal of the CPR Grant Program is to help childcare providers who were negatively impacted by COVID-19 to continue operating or reopen their childcare facilities.


The CPR Grant Program will begin accepting applications starting at noon (12pm) on November 15, 2022. The application period for the CPR Grant Program will close at 11:59 PM on February 28, 2023.

Owners with multiple childcare facilities must complete an application for each of their eligible facilities.

The application has been optimized to allow for submission via a mobile device such as a smart phone or tablet.

Take time to view the video below for instructions on how to complete your CPR grant application.

The CPR Grant Program will provide financial assistance to eligible licensed childcare facilities operating in Los Angeles County, excluding those facilities located in the City of Los Angeles*, based on size and type of operation listed below.

  • Eligible Family Childcare Homes licensed for up to 8 slots can apply for a $15,000 CPR grant.
  • Eligible Family Childcare Homes licensed for more than 8 slots can apply for a $30,000 CPR grant.
  • Eligible Childcare Centers licensed for up to 40 slots can apply for a $40,000 CPR grant.
  • Eligible Childcare Centers licensed for more than 40 slots can apply for an $80,000 CPR grant.

*Childcare facilities located in the grey shaded areas on the map are not eligible for CPR assistance.

If you operate a childcare facility located in the City of Los Angeles, and would like information about the City of Los Angeles' Child Care grant for Single Parents, please email tatiana.eulian-lopes@lacity.org or you can contact a City of Los Angeles WorkSource Center at bit.ly/EWDDWorkSource.

Facilities will be prioritized and selected based on their facility’s community need tier within the Los Angeles County COVID-19 Vulnerability and Recovery Index (Index) map in the following order:

  • Highest Need;
  • High Need;
  • Moderate Need;
  • Low Need; and
  • Lowest Need.

Click here to check your community’s Need Tier.


Who is eligible to apply?

  • Licensed childcare providers in Los Angeles County (excluding the City of Los Angeles) with an “Active” license.
  • Complete a grant application during the open application period.
  • Childcare business is open or is currently closed due to the COVID-19 public health emergency with the intention to reopen.

Who is NOT eligible to apply?

  • Provider with an inactive or suspended facility license number in any age group with the Community Care Licensing Division
  • Businesses engaged in any illegal activity
  • Government-owned entities (except for businesses owned or controlled by a Native American tribe)
  • Businesses principally engaged in teaching, instructing, counseling or indoctrinating religion or religious beliefs, whether in a religious or secular setting
  • Businesses that already received another Los Angeles County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant

What are the grant application selection criteria?

All licensed childcare facilities located in Los Angeles County (excluding childcare facilities located in the City of Los Angeles) are able to apply for assistance. Facilities will be prioritized and selected based on their facility’s community need tier within the Los Angeles County COVID-19 Vulnerability and Recovery Index (Index) map in the following order: Highest Need, High Need, Moderate Need, Low Need and Lowest Need.

What happens if my facility is located in a Highest Need Tier Community?

Childcare facilities located in the Highest Need tier communities will have their applications selected, processed, and if eligible, awarded on a rolling basis as their applications are received during the application period, while funding remains available.

What happens if my facility is located in a community that is not a Highest Need Tier Community?

At the end of the CPR application period, if there is still funding available, eligible applicants whose facilities are not located in Highest Need tier communities will be funded in the following tier order: High Need, Moderate Need, Low Need, and Lowest Need. A lottery will be held if there is not enough funding to provide grants to all eligible applicants within the next tier.

How Do I Find My Community’s Need Tier?

Click here to check your community’s Need Tier.

What can funds be used for?

Grantees must use the funds for at least one of the following:

  1. Personnel costs, including payroll and salaries or similar compensation for an employee (including any sole proprietor or independent contractor), employee benefits, premium pay, or costs for employee recruitment and retention.
  2. Rent (including rent under a lease agreement) or payment on any mortgage obligation, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, or insurance.
  3. Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization supplies and services, or training and professional development related to health and safety practices.
  4. Purchases of or updates to equipment and supplies to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
  5. Goods and services necessary to maintain or resume childcare services.
  6. Mental health supports for children and employees.

Does my childcare business need to be in good standing to receive funding?

Yes, your childcare facility must be licensed with the California Department of Social Services’ Community Care Licensing Division.

Click here to check your facility’s childcare license

If you operate a licensed childcare business (not including sole proprietorships or partnerships) in the County of Los Angeles, your business must be in good standing with the California Secretary of State.

Click here to check the standing of your business license

If my application is selected for funding, what verification documents will I need to provide to determine my eligibility?

  • Provider will be given a maximum of fifteen (15) business days to provide any missing information. Failure to provide needed documentation will constitute forfeiture of application.
  • Sign a Grant Agreement
  • Childcare State license reflecting the childcare facility address/location
  • IRS Form W-9
  • If applicable, a signed IRS tax returns for 2020 and 2021
  • Other documentation or verification as needed

What are the grant amounts?

Family child care providers (licensed for up to 8 slots): $15,000

Family child care providers (licensed for up to 14 slots): $30,000

Child Care Centers (licensed for up to 40 slots):  $40,000

Child Care Centers (licensed for over 40 slots):   $80,000

Will I have to sign anything to receive funds?

Yes. You will be required to electronically sign a Grant Agreement, via Docusign and a Transfer of Funds form. You will digitally sign both documents in the online application platform which is named “Submittable”.

How will grants be disbursed?

Grant funds will be disbursed directly to the facility owner via an electronic funds transfer (EFT). Facilities that are unable to accept an EFT will be address on a case-by-case basis.

When will grants be disbursed?

Eligible applicants located within the “Highest Need” tier will be funded on a rolling basis during the application period. Should grant funding remain at the end of the application period, eligible applicants will be funded by descending tier (high, moderate, low, lowest); a lottery will be held if there is insufficient funding to provide grants to all eligible applicants within the next tier. Applications selected for funding can expect to receive payment approximately six (6) weeks after signing a grant agreement.

Will I be notified if I am not selected to receive a grant?

Yes. The grant administrator will notify all applicants who were not selected to receive a grant.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the application?

If you have any questions about the information on the application, you may email CPRgrant@CommunityPartners.org or call (213) 600-1908.  The CPR Grant Program will not response to phone calls or emails prior to the program’s November 15, 2022 launch date. Following the launch date, please allow a representative from the CPR Grant Program 10-days to contact you about your question.

For applicants whose facility is located in the Highest Need tier communities in Los Angeles County, you should allow the CPR Grant Program 4-6 weeks to process your application.

For applicants whose facility is located in the other need tier communities, your application may not be processed until the end of the application period in February of 2023.

Are you looking for legal help as a small business owner?

Click here to get connected to the County’s COVID-19 Small Business Legal Aid Program.