Better wellbeing across Lincolnshire

Better Wellbeing in Lincolnshire

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Sometimes, people need support to stay well and independent, through life’s changes.

Welcome to Wellbeing Lincs


Wellbeing Lincs is a countywide service, funded by Lincolnshire County Council supporting adults across Lincolnshire to achieve confident, fulfilled and independent living.

It offers a helping hand through life’s changes, which might include:

  • Ill health

  • Disability

  • Changes to financial circumstances

  • Changing medical need

  • Bereavement

  • Lack of family support

  • Loneliness and social isolation

  • Change in general situation circumstance.

Click here to download our leaflet


A countywide service, Wellbeing Lincs delivers an equitable service for eligible individuals, across Lincolnshire. 


Wellbeing Lincs responds promptly and professionally, providing support and guidance tailored to your specific needs wherever you live in Lincolnshire. Access to the service is subject to basic eligibility criteria.

Where telecare response, aids, adaptations and additional response are required, charges may apply.

Funded by Lincolnshire County Council and run by a partnership of district councils, Wellbeing Lincs may make the world of difference to you, your loved ones and those you care about.

To make a referral to the Wellbeing Service, call 01522 782140.

A Generic Support Officer sits around a table with a customer, discussing issues.

As a preventative service, Wellbeing Lincs aims to:

Enhance wellbeing

Improve people’s access to support services

Reduce and delay escalation to statutory services

Provide direct support and signpost access to community resources.



Key information will be gathered through a short phone call within 24 hours of referral.



A Trusted Advisor will visit within seven days, developing a support plan together to help the customer meet their needs.



From ten days of referral, lasting up 12 weeks, direct support and signposting to achieve customers’ specific outcomes.


Our Services

Wellbeing Lincs supports adults across Lincolnshire to live fulfilled, confident and independent lives.

It achieves this through a range of services, that support them for up to 12 weeks. Wellbeing Lincs works with eligible adults to develop a personalised support plan in partnership with a Trusted Assessor, to meet their specific needs.

Identified areas may include:



Anyone living in Lincolnshire who uses telecare equipment can choose to have Wellbeing Lincs provide their response service. If the customer raises an alarm, a Wellbeing Lincs Responder can be with them within 45 minutes in cases where there are no family member or other trusted support able to help.

This service runs 24/7, 365 days a year, at a cost of £2.50 per week.

Click here to download our response leaflet


The resettlement service operates from 10am to 10pm daily in order to ease the transition from hospital to home. Activated by hospital discharge teams, a resettlement responder meets the patient at their home, settles them in and makes an onward referral to the core Wellbeing Lincs Service if appropriate. From here, the patient may be eligible for the 12 weeks of Wellbeing Lincs bespoke support to help get them back on their feet.

Click here to download our resettlement leaflet

Small Aids and Minor Adaptations

Sometimes, small adjustments to the home is all that’s needed to support continued independent living, for example, grab rails in the bathroom, a ramp at the door or gadgets to help in the kitchen. With dedicated staff to deliver and install equipment, Wellbeing Lincs provides small aids and can make the necessary adaptations where required.

Customers can be assessed for suitable small aids, which are available to purchase through our service or independently.

Housing Hospital Development Service

Working in hospitals in Lincolnshire, a team of Housing Hospital Development Officers help staff to identify patients who are eligible and require support for Wellbeing Lincs services and housing support.

Support can start while patients are in hospital to help aid a smooth discharge. The service aims to ease the transition between hospital and home to support their independence.