Veterans Canteen Service (VCS) is introducing an online service for ordering contact lenses, giving Veterans and their VA caregivers a quick and convenient way to get prescription contacts.
The new VCS PatriotVision website allows Veterans, their families, their caregivers and VA employees the opportunity to order prescription contacts with free standard delivery. Partnering with NextDayContacts, VCS is offering top name brands, including Acuvue, Dailies, Biofinity, Air Optix and more.
“We are excited to give our Veteran customers instant savings,” said Lori Lee, Chief of VCS Services. “There is no mail-in rebate hassle, plus we offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. This service expands the VCS mission of offering merchandise and services that provide comfort and well-being to America’s Veterans and those who provide for their care.”
10% off at checkout with code VCS10
At launch, customers can get 10% off at checkout using the code VCS10. Customers can also review their prescriptions through the new website, check order statuses, and receive support and help with orders through online chat, email or phone.
“It’s important for us to continue our excellent service for the best customers in the world and the VCS PatriotVision service broadens that service,” said Jim Leahy, executive director of VCS. “I am proud of our service and honored to provide this benefit to America’s Veterans.”
Veterans can enjoy this benefit by visiting PatriotVision.
Since 1946, Veterans Canteen Service has provided reasonably priced merchandise and services essential to the comfort and well-being of America’s Veterans enrolled in VA health care. VCS is a self-sustaining service embedded in nearly 200 VA medical centers and clinics, providing retail, café, coffee, vending, retail optical and many other customer-facing services.
As an integral part of the VA community, VCS is also a benefit for the caregivers, family members, volunteers, visitors and VA employees who all strive to improve the Veteran experience. The 3,000 dedicated VCS employees deliver this benefit to Veterans in 49 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
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almost double other online sites, no thanks, must be some kind of gimmick pretending to help!
Va doesn’t do contac eye examines just standard eye exams for glasses at least my va optomitry
I am AMAZED of all the negative comments. Maybe the VA should make contact lens exams available: write your congressperson. Of course, people can always voice their opinions, that is why we enlisted to serve our country. I don’t wear contacts, so I don’t have a dog in the fight. But, I am in favor in getting all veterans all the help and support they need. We sacrificed more than most and many made a whole lot more sacrifices than I. I have all my limbs and faculties and and there are many that I am not worth carrying their seabags.
My advice is if this doesn’t work our for you, fine get the best price wherever you can and go on your way. This 10% could be very valuable to just one of us. And if it only helps one of us it still helps us all. We are all in this together. And to my brother in Romania, I get that there can’t be VA facilities all over the world, but there must be someone, somewhere is this huge government of ours that can at least send you your meds.
This may not fit with anyone on this story-line…. That being said, I would be “happy” to see the VA and anyone they promote, like this VCS, to be available to me, in Europe! What is a Veteran afterall? A US born American, a Foreign born American? A soldier that served over 20 years who retired where family took him? Well, this is my case! I live in Romania with my family, and there are NO VA benefits around, anot even the promoted type here! I drive (1200 miles) or fly 3 hours, every 3 months to Germany (at a minimum cost of $800 dollars per trip) just to go to Wiesbaden, Germany in order to check on my PO Box (only 16 ounces permitted of mail) and refill my prescriptions! I do not complain, after all, I chose to go where my family is after serving our country for 20 plus yrs. Given that, I would be glad to see some real support by the VA, pressing the DOOD to take care of remote retired soldiers, even if costly to me, and to some of us who are by default forgotten overseas! Soldier for life, thanks!
The VA doesn’t offer contact lense exams. So veterans like me who rely on VA healthcare wouldn’t be able to use this “benefit”. To get a contact exam is very expensive. From the comments I am reading it’s a gimmic anywho
I was going to say false advertising, but I re-read this article and they never claim to be less expensive than others. They only say they are offering 10% instant savings on their over-the-top exorbitant prices and free shipping on your first order. But the manner in which they claim this is a big benefit to veterans is very misleading and downright disrespectful. Like we are all a bunch of fools who will gobble this BS down while they laugh their way to the bank.
Thank you for the information- appreciate that- peace. I will avoid this-
The VCS PatriotVision website prices for contact lenses are significantly higher that of some other on-line vendors. Why are you pushing this particular company?
I know the VA is trying, still a long way to go though – I had a shoulder X-RAY over 3 months ago. Never heard from anyone after that, so I still wonder why I drove over 80 miles to get that X-RAY. Members of Congress skirt our laws to pad their portfolios with millions of insider trading dollars while my brothers and sisters die or live with crippling ailments and baseline healthcare so politicians can reap the rewards of their own criminal behaviors.
Anyways, in regards to this contacts offer, please do diligence and shop prices – just one example, I can get the same “DAILIES AquaComfort Plus 90 pack” offered on that VCS site for 50% less through Costco. Just sayin’ ;-)
So they just taking off the taxes….No thanks
I can get them cheaper at any eye doctor. Or order them online anywhere else and save 20% off your so-called discount. Just another company trying to take advantage of veterans. You should be ashamed!
When will Veterans start getting the needed prescriptions for contacts from VA optometrist. This service offer from VCS isn’t saving Veterans money it would be more helpful to look into what can be accomplished to actually help save money.
Prices are way too high. Site didnt work either.
I’ve found the products offered through VCS to be quite underwhelming overall and not very price competitive, so I don’t shop there. This seems to be another product to avoid.
It’s incredibly disappointing that this is marketed and endorsed by VA as providing some sort of benefit to veterans. It’s more expensive than MANY competitors and has no other benefit. Additionally, we can’t even get a contact lense prescription FROM VA. Constantly disappointed in how poorly VA serves the veteran community!!
If this is Build Back Better. I’m not interested.
I read the comments and immediately abandoned ordering from vcs.
It’s not just lenses that veterans get shafted on. Look at the Travel Sites posted as bargains, Not so.
So 10% off all ready elevated price compared to every online contact ordering that give 20-30% off. Then wrap yourself in the flag as a great service to veterans. Come on man!
This is an excellent service filling a long-term need at the VA, but the VA Optometrist do not provide prescriptions for contacts. Is this going to change with the new service being provided?
If I have a contact prescription can I just present it and order my contact?
Is the VA partnered with Freshlook Colorblend eye contact?
I have been getting Hearing Aid betteies from theVA for years, Now all of a sudden I do not get any after apliying for them with the envelope they sent me with the last ine I recieved, Navy 948 to 1957 I now live in a assited Living place. I am 94 years old and need help. So e some hearinf aid batterie and lets get this over with
I just received hearing aids from the VA. The new ones don’t take batteries and are rechargeable. Maybe see if you can get those to replace the ones you have now.
Why is the VA pushing this? 1800 contacts is a better price. Shouldn’t we be getting them below cost? That’s what I pay at my retail optometrist. At least pust a disclaimer that this isn’t going to save anyone money.
I agree!!!
You can get the same contacts for 70% off or 20% off on 1 800 contacts. This is a rip off. Again the VA falls short