Two-Day Webinar Series: Biocarbon Incorporation into Transportation Fuels via Co-processing in Refineries

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) will host a two-day webinar series, Biocarbon Incorporation into Transportation Fuels via Co-processing in Refineries, to highlight the key takeaways from the Bio-oil Co-processing

Bioenergy Technologies Office

July 20, 2023
2 minute read time

Visit the Webinar Day 1 (9/20) and Webinar Day 2 (9/27) webpages to download the presentations and listen to the recordings.

Co-processing of biogenic feedstocks within the existing petroleum infrastructure represents an opportunity to incorporate large volumes of bio-carbon into transportation fuels. However, upgrading intermediate liquids from biomass and waste to final products efficiently and economically, while minimizing impacts to existing refinery infrastructure, remains a notable barrier to commercialization.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) held a two-day webinar series, Biocarbon Incorporation into Transportation Fuels via Co-processing in Refineries, highlighting key takeaways from the Bio-oil Co-processing with Refinery Streams project. Through presentations and a question & answer session, the webinars brought interested stakeholders together to discuss the following topics: 

The Bio-oil Co-processing with Refinery Streams project aimed to generate foundational knowledge for processing renewable intermediates in petroleum refineries and offer co-processing strategies, as well as develop new methods for biogenic carbon tracking and measurement.

To download the presentations and listen to the recordings, visit the Two-Day Webinar Series: Biocarbon Incorporation into Transportation Fuels via Co-Processing in Refineries webpages, Webinar Day 1 (9/20) and Webinar Day 2 (9/27).

  • Bioenergy
  • Transportation Biofuels
  • Bioproduct Production
  • Renewable Energy
  • Conversion Technologies