Rice’s Whale Photo Gallery
Images of the endangered Rice’s whale taken and compiled by NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center and partners.
Formerly known as Gulf of Mexico Bryde’s whale, Rice’s whale was designated as a new species of whale in 2021. The endangered Rice’s whale population has approximately 51 individuals.
Positive visual identification of a Rice’s whale requires a good view of three ridges on the whale’s rostrum (dorsal head). This can be challenging to see based on the angle of view, animal behavior (whale swimming rapidly), and environmental conditions such as sea state and glare.
Help Keep Whales Safe
Harassing, harming, pursuing, wounding, killing, capturing, or collecting protected marine mammals is prohibited by the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act. Observe marine animals from a safe and respectful distance and never approach or touch them. Observe whales from a distance of at least 100 yards—the length of a football field. Please report whale sightings to (877) WHALE HELP (877) 942-5343.
Learn more about research efforts regarding these rare whales
Photos were taken during scientific research under NOAA permits #779-1633, #14450, or #21938. If you use a photo, please include the permit number associated with it, which is found in the photo's caption, and credit NOAA Fisheries. For example: Credit: NOAA Fisheries (Permit #21938)