Health and safety statistics
Including key figures, poster and summary booklet and statistics release calendar
Ill health[2]
Work-related ill health - all illness and by illness type
Fatal injuries[3]
Work-related fatal injuries, annual statistics and in-year (quarterly) provisional count
Non-fatal injuries[4]
Workers injured in accidents at work
Work-related ill health and injury by industry
Costs of ill health and injuries[6]
Economic cost of work-related ill health and injury
Comparisons with other countries[7]
Comparable health and safety measures for European countries
Countries and regions of Great Britain[8]
Work-related ill health and injury for countries and regions within Great Britain
Historical picture[9]
Trends in work-related ill health and injury over time
More topics[10]
Find HSE statistics by topic in the statistics A-Z
Index of data tables[11]
Detailed data tables
About HSE statistics[12]
Details of HSE’s statistical data sources and National Statistics policies
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