Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management


Workers preparing Y-12 facility for demolition

Our mission is to complete the safe cleanup of environmental legacies on the Oak Ridge Reservation resulting from decades of nuclear weapons development and government-sponsored nuclear energy research. Our projects are protecting the region's health and environment by removing risks, enabling modernization at national security and science sites, and transferring cleaned land to the community to boost new economic growth.

About Us

Cleanup Sites




10-Year Plan

Cover of OREM's 10-year program plan

Read about our vision, goals, and strategy that will direct our operations from 2022-2032.


Areas of Focus

  • Workers deactivate buildings at ORNL

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Y-12 National Security Complex are home to more than 300 excess, contaminated facilities, including DOE's largest inventory of high-risk structures. OREM is responsible for stabilizing and preparing these facilities for demolition. This complex and challenging process is eliminating hazards and laying the groundwork for major transformation at those sites. 

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Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management

Joe L. Evins Federal Building
200 Administration Road
Oak Ridge, TN 37830

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