Driving Schools

Driving Schools

Lists of Professional Driving Schools

Use our interactive map for driving school locations.

Some of the Professional Driving Schools that can be found on the map are:

  • Adaptive (Rehabilitation)
  • Motorcycle
  • Commercial Driver License (Buses)
  • Operator (Class D) / Graduated (Class G)
  • Commercial Driver License (Trucks)

Note: School listings specify locations where classes are held. Please contact the schools directly for information about courses offered and class schedules at the sites.

High School Driver License Program

High School Driver Education Programs (Class D Operator; Class G Graduated)

Traffic Survival School

Traffic Survival School RegistrationVirtual classroom courses are available at some Traffic Survival Schools.

Each time you are convicted or forfeit bail for a moving traffic violation, points are assessed against your driving record. If you accumulate eight or more points in any 12-month period, you may be required to attend Traffic Survival School (TSS), or your driving privilege may be suspended up to 12 months.

All convictions for red-light running, flashing red-light running, aggressive driving, reckless driving, moving violations resulting in death or serious injury and the first moving violation for drivers who are under 18 years of age require successful completion of Traffic Survival School following assignment.

The Arizona Chapter National Safety Council (ACNSC) administers the Traffic Survival School program under a contract with ADOT.
For a listing of schools visit azstatetss.org.

If you have questions, please call The Arizona Chapter National Safety Council:

Phoenix: 602.222.3381
Elsewhere in Arizona or out-of-state callers: 800.840.7563

For callers with hearing and speech impairments, use the TDD systems only.

Phoenix: 602.222.3376
Elsewhere in Arizona or out-of-state callers: 877.900.9160