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International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) – held on August 31 every year – is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind.

Our theme for 2024 is “Together we can”, highlighting the power of our community when we all stand together.

#TogetherWeCan #IOAD2024 #EndOverdose 

Ways to get involved

Host or join an event

Host or attend an International Overdose Awareness Day event to remember those lost to overdose, learn more about overdose, or advocate for change to end overdose.

Download and share resources

Download our campaign, advocacy and education resources and share messages about overdose and overdose prevention in your community or workplace today.

Remember with a tribute

Post a tribute to a loved one who has passed away from an overdose on the International Overdose Awareness Day tribute page. 


Buy merchandise

Buying and wearing merchandise is a great way to show your support and spread the messages of International Overdose Awareness Day.

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Tributes from the community

Bryant J Robinson


Words cannot express the pain we all are feeling behind you leaving us. I’ve felt like I’m in a horrible nightmare since the day you left..I miss you so very much and wish you were here right this moment. I think about you everyday. I still have not accepted the fact that you are gone. I come to your grave site every week. That’s the only place I can actually feel close to you. I would sleep there if I could baby!!! I want to be mad at you but I can’t be. I know your in a better place my love and I know one day we will meet again but until the very moment I want you to know I will forever keep you alive and you will always be in my heart wherever I go. I just want you to know how much I love you baby and I’m forever yours until I take my last breathe!!!! Continue to fly high my love!!!

... Danielle

Jayvin Bryant 24

My son words can’t explain how much you are Loved and Missed. I pray you are at peace. Your battle is over. Mine continues I will remain strong for the rest of the family. Til we meet again. 5/10/99 – 6/17/23

... Syreeta

Sarah Kathleen Sweeney 1984-2024

My sister, Sarah Sweeney, died on Jan 13th 2024 of an Oxycodone overdose.  She became addicted to Oxycodone after a number of painful hip replacement surgeries.

I think about you & miss you everyday. While I’ve obviously experienced a lot of negative emotion with your passing, I’m grateful too. I’m grateful for the happy memories we did get to share, grateful for how you always took care of me and raised me and loved me as your little brother.

You were an incredible person.  Whether it was cheerleading, piano, to winning miss teen congeniality, to medical school…your big social life, fun personality, and all of the pets you adopted.  At one time you really did it all. That’s the true person you were & how I’ll always remember you.  Your energy & passion for life was unparalleled. While you’re not here with us anymore, you’ll always be my sister. My life wouldn’t have been the same without you, and I’m so blessed for you coming into it & touching my soul. Rest in peace Sarah. Love, your brother – always & forever.

... Ben

Tony V

If we were face to face I would say, you are always floating through my mind and in my heart. I wish I could give you one hug. There are no words except I love you.

... Amy

Abeni Mary Agnes Sharon Forsythe 1998-2023

Hi my baby girl
Its been over a year since you left this earth due to drug overdose. Never in my wildest dreams I thought that I would ever lose my most precious princess queen ever to an overdose. I love you so much and miss you like crazy and hope to God that you went to a better place. I wish I was able to hug you harder when I last hugged you, I never knew that was going to be my last hug to you from me. I miss you so much my baby and it hurts so bad not having you here in my life. I struggle every single day that your gone but I also try my best to keep strong because I know that you would want us all to be strong for each other because you were such a huge loss in our lives. I love you with all my heart and all my soul my baby and I love you to the moon and back a million times a day xoxoxoxo

... Love Always Mama Lydia

Josie "Alexa West"

I remember riding the yellow school bus together as little kids going to St Brendans Catholic school in Edmonton, Alberta Canada.You were always so full of life, giggling and happy, you had the biggest, most beautiful smile that lit up every room, your laughter was infectious.What a surprise it was to catch up with you later in life in our 20’s working together, it was great you were such a beautiful dancer full of poise and grace but I had no idea you were in emotional pain and hurting, later to find out you were isolating and in the depths of addiction. You were such a tiny woman all of about 4 foot 9 inches tall and only 90 lbs. It was fentanyl that ended up taking your life, fentanyl patches were far too much for your little frame to handle. You are deeply missed by everyone who was lucky enough to know you. I smile when I can till hear your laughter in my minds memories

... Sylvia

#IOAD. Time to Remember. Time to Act.

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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