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Web-mapping App Updates: 

What’s new with DNR’s web-mapping applications?

We are excited to announce that the DNR’s web mapping applications have been upgraded with more secure and modern technology! While the design may look different, the functionality you rely on remains the same.

For best results, use up-to-date devices, operating systems and internet browsers. If you are having difficulty viewing or interacting with a DNR web-map, try these web browser tips.

Following a federal court ruling on Feb. 10, 2022, gray wolves are listed as an endangered species in the lower 48 states (excluding the northern Rocky Mountains region). As such, wolves are federally protected. Harvest and lethal depredation control are prohibited.

Wisconsin’s wolf population remains healthy and secure in the state. The department will continue its robust wolf population monitoring program and partnering with USDA-Wildlife Services to address wolf conflicts in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin DNR partners with USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services to investigate reported conflicts with wolves.

This webpage contains information on what to do if you suspect a wolf-involved conflict, an interactive map showing the locations of verified wolf conflicts, recent annual wolf depredation reports and the annual wolf damage payment summary.

What To Do If You Suspect A Wolf-Involved Conflict

For livestock and pet owners dealing with a potential wolf-involved conflict, swift reporting to USDA-Wildlife Services remains critical for the collection of evidence and the timely implementation of conflict resolution options.

  • In northern Wisconsin, call 1-800-228-1368 (in-state) or 715-369-5221
  • In southern Wisconsin, call 1-800-433-0663 (in-state) or 920-324-4514

More information for livestock, pet owners, and hunters is available on the wolf conflict guidance page.

Interactive Wolf Depredation And Threats Map

The interactive Wolf Depredation Threats Map allows users to visually display the locations of wolf depredation and threat conflicts verified between 2013 to the present. Mapping tools allow users to customize maps and provide the ability to display individual years or a series of years and the conflict types they want to display.

Conflicts types are separated into the following categories: livestock depredations, hunting dog depredations, pet depredations, threats to livestock and non-livestock threats. Non-livestock threats include human health and safety complaints.

Verified injuries or depredations to hunting dogs and pets on lands open to the public are mapped with a four-mile buffer known as a caution area.

A caution area is established to warn hunters or others who may be recreating in an area where conflicts between wolves and a dog or group of dogs have been documented. Individuals accessing these areas are urged to exercise greater caution if they plan to train or hunt wild game with dogs or allow pets to run off-leash, especially in areas where multiple conflicts have been documented.

Launch map

Tips for map

Basic tools

Map layers — Show layers will list the different types of depredations. The legend will show the types of background layers. The year will allow you to choose which year(s) you want to show depredations from.

Year — The map will default to the current year however you can click on a different year to change it. Multiple years can be chosen by clicking and dragging.

Printing and saving — Clicking print/save PDF map allows you to create a PDF map. You can add a title and notes and center the map as desired.


Measurement tools — Distances or areas can be measured in different units such as miles or kilometers.

Identify — To view information such as type and date about a specific depredation, click on identity and then on depredation.


Drawing — Text or shapes can be added to the map. To edit an item added to the map click edit and then style. Drawings can be erased one at a time or all items can be cleared at the same time.

Depredation reports

Depredation reports include the details of individual Wildlife Services depredation reports, including if the information was verified as wolf depredation or determined as another cause.

Damage payments

Summary of annual wolf damage payments by the year 1985-2023.