Building Tune-Ups

Seattle Building Tune-Ups is a progressive energy efficiency policy that helps building owners identify smart, responsible ways to reduce energy and water costs. Like cars and bikes, all buildings need to be tuned regularly to keep them running as efficiently as possible. Through tune-ups, building owners find operational efficiencies and low- and no-cost fixes that improve building performance and on average can reduce building energy use 10-15%.

News & Updates: 

  • Upcoming Deadline: 4/1/25 is the extension, waiver, and alternative compliance deadline for owners of Cohort 3 buildings (70,000-99,999 square feet) buildings.
  • Stay informed on the latest Building Emission Performance Standard (BEPS) policy updates including the ongoing rulemaking process.
  • Note: The Building Tune-Ups policy will sunset after the completion of the 2nd cycle of required tune-ups.
  • Financial Incentives for Decarbonization Factsheet

Tune-Up Specialist Training Required

The City of Seattle launched a required Tune-Up Specialist training to enhance Tune-Up outcomes. Developed by industry professionals with hands-on experience, the free training provides clarity on mandate requirements and highlights ways a Tune-Up aligns with the State’s Clean Building Performance Standard requirement. The training is pre-recorded, and takes less than five hours to complete. Tune-Up Specialists who have not yet completed the training must do so in order to submit 2nd Cycle Tune-Up Reports. Register for the training here and use coupon code “btust200” to reduce the cost to $0. Just completing the training? Follow these instructions to reinstate your Tune-Up Specialist approval status.

Tune-Up Incentive Money from Puget Sound Energy

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) offers a Tune-Up incentive program for buildings with gas heating. See PSE's website for program requirements and eligibility details.

Tune-Up Submittals are Required via the Seattle Services Portal

Building Tune-Ups submittals must be input using the Seattle Services Portal. The Microsoft Excel version of the Building Tune-Up Summary Report will not be accepted, although it is still useful for field use. Before submitting via the Seattle Services Portal, you will need to create an account if you haven't previously done so, and then claim your building using the claim code mailed to the owner of record. If you need assistance with a building claim code, please email us at

Sustainability and Environment

Jessyn Farrell, Director
Address: 700 5th Avenue, #1868, Seattle, WA, 98104
Mailing Address: PO Box 94729, Seattle, WA, 98124-4729
Phone: (206) 256-5158

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