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For Immediate Release: Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Census Bureau Shares Details on 2030 Census Preparations and Encourages Additional Public Input

Press Release Number: CB22-CN.24

NOV. 1, 2022 — The U.S. Census Bureau released a prerecorded presentation today explaining how it is preparing for the 2030 Census, including research that is underway, the planning timeline and details on how the public can provide input on the design and planning of the next census.

The Census Bureau has begun dozens of research projects to address five areas that will enhance the science of census-taking. It will consider the research findings and public input as it develops the initial operational design for the 2030 Census – the “big picture” plan for conducting the census.

In August, the Census Bureau posted a Federal Register Notice inviting the public to share its ideas for improving the census. In the presentation, Census Bureau officials note the agency particularly wants to hear recommendations on these topics:

  • Reaching and motivating everyone to respond to the census. How can we reach everyone in the nation and motivate them to respond to the census? How can we reach historically undercounted populations (such as the Hispanic or Latino population, the Black or African American population, the American Indian or Alaska Native population living on a reservation, people who reported being of Some Other Race, and young children)?
  • Technology. What technology could make responding to the census more user-friendly? If we need to collect data in person, how can we use technology to do that more effectively?
  • New data sources. The 2020 Census used administrative records (such as data from federal and state governments), third-party sources (data from commercial sources), internal data, and publicly available information to enhance operational efficiency and data quality. What other data sources, or methods of using them, could increase operational efficiency and effectiveness and improve data quality?
  • How we contact respondents. How can we tailor our contact strategies to encourage households to respond to the census on their own? What tools and messages should we use to invite people to respond, and how often should we reach out to each household?
  • Respondent support. How can we support people as they respond – whether online, by phone, by mail, in English or in another language? How can we increase access for people with disabilities?

The Census Bureau has received more than 2,000 comments to date about the 2030 Census through the Federal Register Notice. Officials provided an overview of the comments reviewed so far.

The public has until November 15 to comment and is encouraged to provide additional input on ways to improve the 2030 Census. More information is available on our 2030 Census webpage.



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Page Last Revised - November 1, 2022
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