American-Made Challenges: Solar Desalination Prize Round 1

Graphic of mirrors and a water tap with an ocean in the background and text reading "Solar Desalination Prize"

The American-Made Challenges: Solar Desalination Prize is a four-stage competition designed to accelerate the development of low-cost desalination systems that use solar-thermal power to produce clean water from salt water. Competitors receive cash prizes as they advance through each stage, culminating in a $1 million grand prize for the successful testing and demonstration of a promising solar-thermal desalination system prototype.

Round 1 of the prize was announced September 23, 2019, and launched April 28, 2020. Participants from private companies, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, students, and national laboratories submitted their ideas for a solar-thermal desalination component or system prototype, along with a pathway to commercialization.

On October 19, 2020, 19 quarterfinalists from 12 states were selected to advance to the second competition phase. These competitors received $50,000 in cash and will form a team and refine plans for a fully operating solar-thermal desalination system.

On April 12, 2021, eight semifinalists from six states were selected to advance to the third competition phase. These teams received $250,000 in cash and a $100,000 voucher that can be redeemed at a national laboratory and/or qualified partner facilities to design their systems. While they’re completing detailed designs of their systems in the third phase, teams must also obtain the permitting and approval documentation necessary to build them.

On February 28, 2023, one finalist (Katz Water Technologies) was selected to advance to the fourth and final competition phase. On August 2, 2024, two more finalists (GreenBlu and Solar Desalt) were selected. Each team received a cash prize of $750,000 and another $100,000 voucher. They will build their systems, demonstrate the operation, and validate key performance metrics in the final stage of the competition.

Prize competitors have three years to submit their prototype system to compete for the $1 million grand prize. Submissions will be evaluated every second Monday in April, starting in 2022. Winners will be determined approximately one month after visits to their newly built system sites.


GreenBlu: Reaching Pipe Parity for Desalinated Seawater through the Valorization of Magnesium 
Location: Trenton, New Jersey
Project Summary: This team plans to construct an array of evacuated solar collectors and a crystallizer at the Federal Ohmsett facility in New Jersey to recover magnesium from seawater. They seek to recover valuable minerals from seawater while helping businesses to become zero liquid discharge facilities. GreenBlu’s primary innovation is their solar-thermal Temperature-Swing Vapor Pump (TSVP) crystallizer which operates at very high efficiency and fractionally crystallizes valuable salts from brines. GreenBlu’s TSVP crystallizer uses nanomaterial adsorbents that swing between 10-50°C. By fractionally crystallizing the brine in their TSVP crystallizer, Greenblu seeks to commercialize mineral recovery from high salinity brine waste streams using renewable energy.

Katz Water Technologies: Solar Thermal Desalination System at a New Mexico Oil Site 
Location: Houston, Texas
Project Summary: Katz Water Technologies is redesigning its self-contained, compact distillation system to use solar-thermal energy instead of natural gas. The new design blends the existing multi-stage thermal distillation technology into a simpler design with the multistage process occurring in a single closed-loop heat exchanger. The technology has the potential to be a modular, portable system that can supply fresh water where needed. Prototype site testing is being planned at the Bureau of Reclamation’s Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility, with a particular focus on the oil and gas production market.

Solar Desalt: Mobile Sorption-based Solar Zero Liquid Discharge Desalination System
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Project Summary: This team, partnering with the Clos de Chance winery, plans to reduce the amount of wastewater rejected from wineries in the California area. They plan to treat wastewater with their two 10 kWh sun-tracking solar collectors with a thermal energy storage module. The team has combined a high-temperature desorption process with a low-temperature crystallization process. The high temperature raises efficiency and the mixture never completely boils to steam. The low temperature crystallization process reduces solubility and elevates the boiling point through the use of an ionic solution. This reduces scaling and the aggressiveness of the brine solution and allows for the use of low-cost materials like plastic. By maximizing the temperature difference in these two processes, Solar Desalt’s innovation achieves maximum efficiencies and a Gain Output Ratio of 8.8 while reducing wastewater from wineries using solar energy.


BrineZero: Brine Concentration with Managed Salt Precipitates
Location: Hopewell, New Jersey
Project Summary: This team, led by AIL Research, is developing a membrane desalination system capable of handling very-high-salinity water and using recovered heat to preheat the brine feed. The system will be designed to pre-crystallize readily precipitating ions, such as magnesium and calcium, before the brine contacts the membrane, to prolong membrane lifetime. Managing the precipitation of salt and using recovered heat allows more water recovery from high-salinity brines. The team will focus their technology on the production of agricultural water for regions of the country where brackish groundwater is too saline to be used directly. They plan to install their prototype at Bell Ranch in California, in partnership with Global Water Innovations.

Connecticut Center for Applied Separations Technology: Membrane Distillation with Ceramic Membranes 
Location: Storrs, Connecticut
Project Summary: This team, led by researchers from the University of Connecticut, will integrate a newly developed ceramic membrane technology with a solar collector system to treat high-salinity or chemically complex brines. The ceramic membranes provide thermal and chemical stability that enable them to process challenging saline waters, operate at higher temperatures than existing polymeric membranes, and be more aggressively cleaned when fouled by scaling salts and organics. The team will be developing their pilot for deployment at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Water Treatment Plant in El Paso, Texas.

Espiku: Selective Condensation and Evaporation Using Precise Temperature Regulation (SCEPTER) 
Location: Corvallis, Oregon
Project Summary: This team plans to advance and commercialize technology developed at Oregon State University and Michigan State University plans to advance a humidification-dehumidification process that can recover clean water from water produced by oil and gas extraction. A novel cyclone separator, which can be easily designed at small scale for portability, separates salt from humid air and enables the process. By separating humid air from solid salt particles, this technology could be a cost-effective method to achieve zero-liquid discharge. The team will design their pilot to be installed at the Bureau of Reclamation’s Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility.

STREED - Resonant Energy Exchange Desalination 
Location: Houston, Texas
Project Summary: A team led by researchers from Rice University has developed a nanoparticle-based high-efficiency, low-maintenance solar-heated membrane distillation technology. The team will design a prototype of their nanophotonics solar absorber desalination system in combination with thermal energy storage. The team plans to develop a scalable system design that uses spiral-wound architecture to minimize the plant’s physical footprint, which will be located at either the Bureau of Reclamation’s Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility or a development near Corpus Christi, Texas, to provide fresh water.

The Hard Ion Team: Switchable Solvent Water Extraction from Brine 
Location: Rohnert Park, California
Project Summary: A team including researchers from Idaho National Laboratory and Trevi Systems is developing a solar-thermal-powered liquid/liquid extraction process that removes “hard” ions, like calcium and magnesium, before brine is treated by reverse osmosis, a conventional desalination process. This method could significantly improve the efficiency of reverse osmosis by allowing the process to operate over wider brine input conditions and requiring less maintenance to remove the scale caused by hard ions. The team has formed partnerships with Idaho National Labs, Artic Solar, and Global Water Innovation to develop and test their prototype at Bell Ranch in California, to target the agricultural water market.


Solar Desalination Prize Timeline
  • Innovation: The first phase opened April 28, 2020, and closed July 16, 2020. Competitors were announced October 19, 2020.
  • Teaming: The second phase opened October 19, 2020, and closed February 9, 2021. Teams were announced April 12, 2021.
  • Design: The third phase opened April 12, 2021, and will close when competitors have completed their designs and obtained the required documents, no later than April 2024.
  • Test: The fourth phase also opened on April 12, 2021. Finalists will have three years to submit their prototype system to compete for the Test prize. Test prize submissions will be evaluated every second Monday in April, starting in 2022. Winners will be determined after visits to their newly built system sites.

Learn More

The Solar Desalination Prize is administered by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory(link is external) and is part of the American-Made Challenges(link is external).