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Maintenance Process for MIPS Value Pathways (MVPs)

What is the MVP Maintenance Process?

The MIPS Value Pathways provides the general public with the opportunity to recommend changes to for CMS to consider in future rulemaking.

MVPs are one reporting option for meeting MIPS reporting requirements. You can review on Explore MVPs.

Through future rulemaking, we'll continue to expand MVPs to include more specialties and subspecialties that participate in MIPS. If you're interested in developing a new MVP for future reporting, please review MVP Candidate Development & Submission for additional information.

How Do I Recommend Changes to a Finalized MVP?

What Do I Need to Submit?

MVP Maintenance Image with Text

In your recommendation, you’ll need to include the title of the MVP along with a description of the recommended change(s) by performance category. Recommendations will be accepted throughout the year; however, we’ll determine if and when to implement a change to an MVP. There is no guarantee that we’ll accept or apply a recommendation to an MVP in the upcoming year.


What Happens After I Submit a Recommendation to Modify a Previously Finalized MVP?

We'll evaluate the recommendations received and determine if they're appropriate and align with the broader vision for the MVP. We may share recommendations that meet these criteria during webinars or other communication channels as deemed appropriate. Any changes to will be addressed through future rulemaking. We won’t communicate whether recommendations are accepted outside of rulemaking.