Find a project
We can help you find the transportation projects that matter to you.
Interact with the map to find mapped projects throughout the state. Zoom in to see more detail or use search tools to find mapped and non-mapped projects.
Search by keyword — Search for projects by name, project number or location.
Phase — Select projects that are in planning, design or construction or find completed projects. Projects labeled “other” are non-construction projects.
Type — Look for projects of a specific type, like bicycle/pedestrian, bridge or transit.
Performance — See on time and on budget status for completed ODOT construction projects.
Year — Filter by completion date for completed projects, estimated completion date for construction projects, and bid date for design projects.
Administrator — Explore who is responsible for project contract and delivery.
Location — Review projects in a specific city, county or other geographic area.
Mapped — See only mapped or non-mapped projects.
How can we help?
Learn more about the application, including tips and tricks. This application works best in Chrome, Safari or Edge. For questions, submit a question to Ask ODOT and mention the Transportation Project Tracker.
Transportation Project Tracker - Version: 1.3.8 - Release: 08/05/2024