Spring Application Enrollment is now OPEN. New industry partner applications will be processed during Spring Application Enrollment: 1 February - 1 April.
Prospective SkillBridge organizations are highly encouraged to attend a bi-weekly DOD SkillBridge New Partner Application Process Information Sessions: DOD SkillBridge Program - Industry Partner Page (osd.mil).
The Employer Ethics Course completion is an application requirement; the course can be accessed at: DoD SkillBridge Employer Ethics Brief.
The DOD SkillBridge New Partner Application can be accessed at: Spring FY25 DOD SkillBridge Application.
MOU expiration dates for DOD SkillBridge Authorized Organizations who are in good standing are automatically extended through 30 June 2025; Apply to renew your DOD SkillBridge Authorized Organization's MOU by logging into the SkillBridge Content Management System (CMS).
Many industry partners with opportunities in a variety of fields offer real-world training and work experience in high-demand fields for service members who have 180 days or fewer of service remaining prior to their date of military discharge.
Go to the SkillBridge Locations MapThe SkillBridge program continues to provide strong results for business leaders and our transitioning military members.