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Have you ever seen posters at your workplace? These are important because they tell your workers about rules they need to know. Different employers might need different posters. Here's what you should know.

All required posters can be downloaded and printed for free. You can find them on this page or on the U.S. Department of Labor's website. You don't need to buy these posters and the posters don’t need to be laminated.

Required posters should be in a spot where everyone can see them easily. That way, all workers can know the important information.

There are required posters that all Texas employers must display. There are some extra posters that some employers might need, if the law applies to them. 

Yellow triangle with exclamation mark

NOTICE: Beginning January 8, 2024, Texas employers must post a Reporting Workplace Violence notice in English and Spanish in a conspicuous place that is convenient to all employees as required by House Bill 915, 88th Texas Legislature, Regular Session (2023), and 40 Texas Administrative Code § 800.600.  An electronic copy of a Reporting Workplace Violence poster is available below to download and print. 

Remember These Tips:

  • Posters have rules for the workplace.
  • You can find them online for free.
  • They should be easy to see.
  • In Texas, there are special posters every employer must display.
  • Some employers might need extra posters.
  • You can get help if you're confused about which posters are required. Just call Texas Workforce Commission's (TWC) Wage and Hour department at 800-832-9243.

There are a number of required posters.

Texas Payday and Unemployment Compensation

Payday LawUnemployment Compensation Act

Use this poster if you are subject to the Texas Payday law but are not liable under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act. 

Download and print the poster: 

Use this poster if you are liable under the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act and subject to the Texas Payday law. This combines both the Payday and Unemployment laws into one poster. Note: We removed account specific information from this poster.

Download and print the poster: 

You can request a printed poster from the Wage and Hour department by calling 800-832-9243.You can also download this same poster by logging on to Unemployment Tax Services
Yellow triangle with exclamation mark

Reporting Workplace Violence  

Texas employers with one or more employees must post a notice in English and Spanish in a conspicuous place that is convenient to all employees that employees can anonymously report workplace violence or suspicious activities to the Department of Public Safety.   

Equal Employment Opportunity 

If you have 15 or more employees, you must display the poster that talks about everyone getting a fair chance to work. If you are a smaller employer with federal grants and contracts, you are also required to show this poster. This poster is available in several languages on the EEOC website. 

Worker's Compensation

The Texas Department of Insurance provides Workers' Compensation Employer Forms and Notices.

Earned Income Tax Credit

Texas employers must tell their employees of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) no later than March 1st of each year. The Internal Revenue Service provides EITC materials including posters.

Federally Required Posters

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has information for employers on posters that are required by federal law. 

The DOL website has copies of the required posters that you can download and print for free. Some posters are available in languages other than English.

To get the required posters or for questions about the requirements, call the U.S. Department of Labor at 866-4-USA-DOL (866-487-2365).

Additional Posters for Public Employers

Public employers, including Workforce Solutions Offices, may be required to display additional posters.

  • You Have the Right to Not Remain Silent
    The Texas law known as the Whistleblower Act says you cannot retaliate against public employees who report wrongdoing. A state or local governmental entity must tell its employees about their rights by posting the notice in an easy to see location.
  • Worker Right to Know Notice
    The Texas Hazard Communication program says public employers must give specific information about any hazardous chemicals the workers may be exposed to while on the job. The Texas Department of State Health Services has this poster in English and Spanish.
  • Job Service Complaint System
    The U.S. DOL Employment and Training Administration (ETA) requires state workforce agencies, including Texas Workforce Solutions offices, to display an ETA-approved Job Service Complaint System poster.

Information on Equal Employment Opportunity laws in Texas. This is regulated by TWC’s Civil Rights Division.

Information on the Child Labor laws in Texas. This is regulated by TWC’s Wage and Hour Department.

Information on Filing a Wage Claim under the Texas Payday Law. This is regulated by TWC's Wage and Hour Department.