
Going straight to university isn’t the only way to get on

A-level and GCSE students fear harsher marks than in the Covid years. But the education secretary says returning to the pre-pandemic system is vital

The Sunday Times

All of us can remember our results day — whether we met it with excitement or trepidation. Results are important. They mark the first step towards the future — unlocking opportunities, whether that’s to one of our world-class universities or straight into an earn-and-learn route via an apprenticeship, as I did.

So, I want to congratulate everyone receiving results — as well as say thank you to our fantastic teachers who have worked so hard to make sure pupils can perform to the best of their ability, especially over recent years with so much disruption to education.

As is the case every year, there’s a huge amount of support for pupils, whether they get the results they wanted or not. School or college should always