Report a pothole online

How to report a pothole in West Sussex.

West Sussex Highways is experiencing high demand due to the impact of winter weather on our network. Please be assured that safety remains our top priority at this time. All reports are triaged and safety defects such as Potholes, drainage or road condition issues will be prioritised. All other reports will be investigated as soon as possible.

If a pothole is an immediate risk to public safety, phone 01243 642105. You can report an emergency 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Further information on reporting an emergency can be found on Report an emergency with a road or pavement.

To help us respond quickly, please provide as much detail as you can about:

  • the size of the pothole (width and depth)
  • its exact location (such as road name, a nearby house number or landmark, its position in the carriageway or a nearby junction). 

Which potholes do we repair?

  • We do not repair potholes less than 40mm deep on any road, but we will review them at our next inspection.
  • We repair potholes between 40mm and 100mm deep and 150mm wide on all roads within 28 days.
  • We repair potholes greater than 100mm deep and 150mm wide on all roads within 5 working days.

Potholes on the A23, A27, M23

You should report potholes on trunk roads A23, A27 and M23 to National Highways.

Further information

Last updated:
18 March 2024
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  • West Sussex County Council will only use this email address to respond to any issues raised.