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Limitless possibilities start with Dallas Public Library

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Dallas Public Library accepts volunteers age 14 and older.

Para oportunidades de voluntariado en español, haga clic aquí.

Explore Volunteer Opportunities

Dallas Public Library proudly supports court ordered volunteers who need community service hours for low-level, non-violent, misdemeanor offenses.

It is preferred that court ordered volunteers complete hours in-person with our Delivery Services department at the J. Erikson Central Library Branch in Downtown Dallas. Other arrangements will be considered if you are unable to commute to downtown.

All volunteers must fill out the Volunteer Application Form. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 214-671-9206 or volunteer@dallaslibrary2.org for more details.

If you’re a teen looking for a fun way to connect with other like-minded students, create dynamic social media content, and virtual programs for your peers, then the Teen Advisory Council is perfect for you. TAC is dedicated to producing fun, engaging and thought-provoking programs for teens throughout the city of Dallas by using Dallas Public Library and its branches.

While in TAC you will have fun but also gain volunteer hours for school and college applications. Programs that have been created by TAC members include:

  • DIY YouTube Videos
  • Hosting Teen Talk Safe Spaces
  • TikTok Videos
  • YA author chats
  • Summer Teen Kits
  • SMART Summer Teen Scavenger Hunt

Book Master

So I’m sure it’s safe to assume that you’re a bookworm. If so, you’re destined to be a book master. You have the chance to help library staff with any general library task to ensure everything runs smoothly day-to-day.

  • Help find books to send to other libraries across the city of Dallas
  • Ensure that books are in their correct order on the library shelves
  • Organize library materials and spaces as needed
  • Assist with weeding books from the library collection
  • Creating display cases
  • Sort donated materials

Events and Programming Collaborator

Would you like to help library staff prepare for library events? If This selection is for volunteers who would like to help with both event preparations and the event itself. You will likely do different event/program related tasks each time you volunteer. Such as:

  • Assist with arts & crafts activities for story time and other children’s programming
  • Help staff with library after-school events
  • Arrange library spaces for cool events
  • Attend programs to help direct patrons to activities

Volunteer Mentor

If you have at least 2 years of consistent volunteer service, you can qualify as a volunteer mentor. You’ll get to show volunteer newbies the ropes by helping library staff train volunteer newcomers.

Adult Learning

If you have a passion for teaching others, then our Adult Learning volunteer positions are tailor-made for you. We’re looking for volunteers to fill the positions listed below. Classes operate on a semester basis: Spring, Fall, and Summer, and typically run for 10 -12 weeks depending on the class.

ECC (English Conversation Class) Co-Teacher (Online only):

Volunteering for this class involves assisting Dallas Library staff with conversing on pre-selected topics with non-native English speakers to build confidence in speaking. There are no tests or assignments. All that is required of the volunteer is to attend classes virtually, participate in general conversation, and lead a small group conversation at the end of class

ELL (English Language Learning) Teacher (In Person Only):

C’mon and volunteer to teach people in your community how to speak English. This is a great opportunity for retired teachers or folks who’re working on their teaching certification. All teaching materials are provided for you. We strive to have 2 co-teachers per class. You’d need to have a knack for public speaking and the ability to teach about 2.5 hours per week.

Family Learning Teacher:

  • Help lead children, between the ages of 4 and 12, get ahead in school and life by working together to complete hands-on learning activities and projects. Together you will learn about architecture by building with LEGOs, utilize cognitive thinking by engaging with educational games, inspire creativity and individuality by creating art projects, help build healthy relationships between the children, and so much more.
  • Easy-to-read lesson plans and in-person training is provided. You will work with other volunteers in leading the class. No experience with children required but is beneficial.

GED Teacher (In Person or Virtual):

GED teachers and assistants work with small groups to prepare students for GED subject tests at their local library. Classes are activity-based, to provide a welcoming, fun environment, and to help the adult learner grasp new concepts. Special training, textbooks & lesson plans provided. You have the option to teach either Science & Social Studies (usually taught together), Reading Language Arts or Math.

For more information, email adultlearning@dallas.gov or call 214-671-8291 after completing the volunteer application.

Are you seeking your MLS or MLIS? Perhaps you’re even pursuing a teaching certification. Are you looking for a library to complete your practicum with? Well, look no further than Dallas Public Library. We proudly support practicum students and would love for you to complete your professional development with us. You have the option of completing your practicum at any of our library locations. Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 214-671-9206 or volunteer@dallaslibrary2.org for more details.

Dallas Public Library has several yearly events for which we’re always in need of awesome volunteers:

  • Fairy Tale Closet – Volunteers needed in March
  • Summer Book Buddies – Volunteers needed in the Summer
  • Book Festival
  • Backpack Challenge - Volunteer needed in October -December
Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 214-671-9206 or volunteer@dallaslibrary2.org for more details.