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FREE ONLINE CHAPTERS AVAILABLE here (scroll down for all chapters).  

NEW TRANSLATIONS AVAILABLE: Arabic (Chapters 3; 4; 8; 10); French (Chapters 2; 10); Pashto (entire book); Spanish (Chapters 2; 3; 4; 5; 10), Tagalog (Chapters 4; 5).

To Curb Corruption and Violence, The 'Sandwich Effect' - read the US Institute of Peace blogpost on Burkina Faso, Guatemala and Ukraine - by Shaazka Beyerle and Miranda Rivers. 

The Romanian People Versus Corruption. The Paradoxical Nexus of Protest and Adaptation - read Tina Olteanu and Shaazka Beyerle's analysis in PARTECIPAZIONE E CONFLITTO, North America, January 10, 2018.

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Freedom From Corruption self-study curriculum.

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Watch the outstanding short documentary on nonviolent action social audits - "It's our money. Where's it gone?" (English, French, Mandarin, and Spanish)

Damani Baker (dir.) and Alex Black (prod.);International Budget Partnership, 2009;Swahili Kiswahili-to-English translation: Jay Rubin; Released September 19, 2009


  • “[Beyerle establishes] a solid base of evidence that citizen-led engagement can reduce corruption, improve accountability, and build more honest government.... Thanks to the clarity of case studies, the writing style of the author and her practical recommendations, this book is recommended reading for everyone seeking to invest in citizen-led anti-corruption efforts.”
    Joy Saunders, The World Today (Chatham House)
  • “Beyerle’s Curtailing Corruption is far and away the best book on people power movements against corruption. Well-researched, well-written, and inspiring!”
    Erica Chenoweth, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver
  • “Curtailing Corruption is a hopeful book—showing how citizen engagement can produce real reform. It is also a practical book—explaining how mobilization happens and groups strategize. Its lessons ought to be learned by reformers worldwide. Positive change will not occur without patience, persistence, organization, and a willingness to take risks. There are no quick fixes.”
    Susan Rose-Ackerman, Yale University
  • "This well researched, perceptive book constructs an important international discourse on governance. Democracy has come of age with right-to-information and anticorruption movements in the global south. Shaazka Beyerle demonstrates that, in unpacking centers of power, transparency ensures accountability in governance."
    Aruna Roy, Cofounder of India’s Right to Information movement and Ramon Magsaysay Award laureate
  • "A welcome tonic, one guaranteed to give even the most hard-bitten, cynical anticorruption fighter a lift."
    Rick Messick, The Global Anticorruption Blog
  • "A rare work with insights for generations to come. When, as Beyerle writes, ‘citizens join in raising their voices and use their collective power to fight corruption,’ the countries of Africa and indeed most countries will be free."
    Hauwa Ibrahim, human rights lawyer and Sakharov Prize laureate
  • “An insightful and very timely book for the global anticorruption community, examining the power of people taking social and corruption issues into their own hands.”
    Roberto Perez Rocha, Transparency International

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