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Submit a violation report online


The DNR's Violation Hotline provides Wisconsin citizens with the opportunity to confidentially report suspected wildlife, recreational and environmental violations using a toll free number.


These violations may include fishing or hunting out of season, night hunting, exceeding bag limits, illegal sale of fish and wildlife, deposit of harmful substances in lakes or rivers or illegal storage or disposal of hazardous waste. All these violations seriously affect our state's natural resources.

The Violation Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Information received on this line will be relayed to a DNR officer for investigation. You do not have to leave your name when reporting a violation. However, it is often helpful to an investigation if a DNR Law Enforcement Officer can follow-up on your report to verify essential facts and let you know the outcome of the investigation. If provided, your identity and any information that may identify you will be protected under state statute 23.38.

Helpful information when reporting a violation

  • Who is the violator? Describe the people, including their physical description and clothing.
  • What is the violation?
  • Where did this violation take place? (county, township, road/highway)
  • When did this occur or is this an in progress violation?

Helpful information when reporting a violation that is discovered via social media

  • Where did the post, picture, video, or information originate from?
  • Include the URL encoding?
  • Include only one post, picture or video per complaint?
  • What is the suspected violation?
  • What information exists that show the potential violation occurred in Wisconsin?