Interested in Becoming a Mentor?
FCPS is seeking individuals, businesses, and community groups to mentor our students.
The mission of the MentorWorks program is to eliminate gaps in opportunity, access, and achievement through mentoring and to ensure that every FCPS student can name an adult they can talk to.
Our mentors are caring, responsible volunteers who give one-on-one time to FCPS students while encouraging them to develop their strengths and capabilities. Mentoring is not tutoring and is not grounded in academic support.
FCPS is seeking individuals, businesses, and community groups to mentor our students.
Mentoring programs are coordinated at the school level. Please contact your child’s school counselor for more information.
For more information on how to mentor students in FCPS or to learn more about mentoring partnerships with FCPS, please contact Martha Macdonald, Mentoring Specialist,
Educate Fairfax raises funds to support the MentorWorks program. Your financial gift will assist program coordinators in their efforts to support mentor/mentee pairs through special events, activities, and field trips. Enrichment activities and field trips build community and eliminate gaps in opportunity, access, and achievement.
Make a donation to the MentorWorks program via Educate Fairfax.