Capital Depletion Checker

Find out how long your capital including savings and investments will last before you need to ask us for financial help (capital depletion).

Social care is not always free for everyone. The amount you pay depends on what you can afford. Most people pay something towards their care costs.

You can use our capital depletion checker to find out how long your capital may be reduced to the upper capital threshold. The upper capital threshold is currently £23,250 to receive financial help. If you have under £23,250 use our Financial Eligibility Checker.

It asks you a few simple questions about your savings, assets and income. It will tell you how long your capital will last before we can help towards the cost of your care and support. It only takes five minutes to complete. You don't need to register or give personal details. Care and support is subject to a care and support assessment under the Care Act.

This is only intended to give you an idea of when you may be eligible for financial help. You should ask us to complete a financial assessment about six months before this date. The outcome of the form is not the date we will definitely be able to provide you with financial help.

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