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To: School Corporation and Charter School Leaders
From: Karrianne Polk-Meek, Director Indiana Literacy Center
Date: December 15, 2023
Subject: UPDATE: Early Literacy Achievement Grant
The Indiana Department of Education’s (IDOE’s) Early Literacy Achievement Grant was
established through House Enrolled Act (HEA) 1001-2023, to reward schools and teachers for
improving students’ foundational reading skills, as evidenced by IREAD-3 data. To support our
statewide goal of ensuring 95% of Indiana’s third grade students pass IREAD-3 by 2027, IDOE’s
Early Literacy Achievement Grant awards funds to Indiana public school corporations and
charter schools.
Through HEA 1001-2023, $10 million has been allocated in each year of the biennium to award
cash stipends for teachers, instructional coaches, and other school staff responsible for the
implementation and delivery of literacy and reading instruction through grade three.
The 2023 Early Literacy Achievement Grant allocation amounts for public school corporations
and charter schools are available here. Funds will be distributed by IDOE on Wednesday,
December 27. School corporations and charter schools should distribute funds by March 29,
2024 to allow schools additional flexibility to plan for distributions in alignment with local
policies and procedures.
Early Literacy Achievement Grant award amounts were formulaically determined based on:
● The number of students who participated in IREAD-3 in 2023;
● The number of eligible students who achieved a passing score on IREAD-3 in 2023
(spring and summer retest);
● The school’s complexity index;
● The school’s growth in reading proficiency rate;
● The number of eligible students receiving special education services;
● The average daily membership (ADM) count; and
● The number of eligible English learner (EL) students.
Stipend Distribution Guidance
● Early Literacy Achievement Grant funds shall be allocated among and used only to pay
cash stipends to teachers, instructional coaches, and other school staff who were
responsible for implementation and delivery of literacy and reading instruction
through grade three during the 2022-2023 school year and who maintain employment
within the corporation/charter school on the date of distribution.
● In the instance where educators eligible for Early Literacy Achievement Grant
Indiana Government Center North, 9th Floor • 100 N Senate Ave • Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
317-232-6610 •
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funds were not employed for the entire duration of the 2022-2023 school year but
are still currently employed, schools/corporations may elect to proportionally
allocate these funds based on their length of employment.
● Stipends shall not be issued to administrators and/or central office staff.
● Distribution of the Early Literacy Achievement Grant should be approved by the local
governing body.
● It is recommended that recipients deposit funding from the Early Literacy Achievement
Grant to the first available fund in the range 3140-3149 with an object code of 141 (if the
distribution will be provided to a majority of teachers) or 142 (if the distribution is not
tied to a majority of teachers).
Each public school corporation and charter school must submit how they distributed funds
via this Jotform by close of business on April 19, 2024.
Please refer to this frequently asked questions document for additional information and contact
IDOE’s Literacy Center with any additional questions.
Indiana Government Center North, 9th Floor • 100 N Senate Ave • Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
317-232-6610 •