Ensuring students receive the foundational STEM learning they need for lifelong success
What is the Indiana STEM Cadre?
Supported by Five Star Technology Solutions, the Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning (CELL) at the University of Indianapolis and the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE), the Indiana STEM Cadre is working to help every Hoosier student receive the foundational STEM integration skills they need for lifelong success.
To achieve this mission, the Indiana STEM Cadre develops and implements collaborative professional development for educators (grades 4-8) across the state rooted in research-based practices.
Our mission is to ensure Hoosier students are prepared to solve authentic problems and pursue high-demand careers with integrated STEM learning. Interest Forms were closed on February 28, 2023. Questions regarding Cohort 2 can be directed to stemcadre@fivestartech.com.

Indiana's Priorities for STEM Education
View this PDF to learn more about Indiana's priorities surrounding STEM integration.
Cohort Two of the Indiana STEM Cadre
Five Star, CELL and IDOE invite schools and corporations to be part of cohort two of the Indiana STEM Cadre.
By joining Cohort Two, schools will:
Receive comprehensive support for leadership and instructional coaches, including in-school training to implement integrated STEM instruction
Be assigned a Training Support Specialist (TSS) from Five Star Technology to provide onsite and virtual support for the Cadre coach and administration in the implementation of the Cadre goals
Receive some financial support for a STEM Cadre coach
Participate in summer training related to STEM integration
Receive additional training and support in ongoing, bimonthly Collaboration Network meetings
Agrees to leverage the Indiana-approved formative assessment and receive supplemental curricular materials
Receive ongoing support and assistance in troubleshooting implementation issues
By participating, schools agree to:
Provide a qualified Cadre coach approved by the IDOE (collaboration and flexible solutions available)
Engage in regular, robust professional development throughout the year
Follow the identified curriculum, instructional practices, and implemented coaching cycles
Administer Indiana-approved formative assessment tools across the grant period
Protect your coach's time to ensure they can effectively coach teachers
Share data and participate in monitoring activities
Interest Forms were closed on February 28, 2023. Questions regarding Cohort 2 can be directed to stemcadre@fivestartech.com.
K12 EdTech Experts
Five Star believes technology can transform K12 education to help meet the needs of today’s learners. The Five Star professional development team offers consistently awesome, evidence-based learning opportunities that are relevant and engaging to meet the learning needs of educators across the nation. With a expert team trained in STEM practices, Five Star specifically designs training for adult learners using a variety of modes, keeping it in context with personal experiences, connecting participants with others in the learning community, and never forgetting to have immediate application so it stays real and practical.
Strategic Initiative Leader
CELL, supported by and in collaboration with IDOE, continues to support the Indiana STEM Cadre to help schools implement integrated STEM learning by training educational preparation programs within higher education. With extensive experience and success in education, CELL has been a leader in organizing schools and supporting innovative educational practices for over 20 years. CELL's mission is to partner with schools and communities to improve outcomes for students of all ages by leading to sustainable education innovation and transformation across Indiana.