Nicki Kirchoff

Nicki Kirchoff is the new director at the Rushville Public Library.

RUSHVILLE — Nicki Kirchoff is settling in as the director at the Rushville Public Library. Kirchoff takes over for Sue Prifogle who retired from the position.

Kirchoff was raised in northeast Indiana and graduated from Prairie Heights High School. After graduation, she attended Ball State University and received a teaching degree in library services and a masters in library science 12 years later.

After graduation from BSU, Kirchoff worked in education one year at MSD Pike Township in Indianapolis, 15 years at Shelbyville Middle School, five years at RCHS and one year at Blue River Valley. She is now making the move to a public library.

“I’ve been thinking about making the switch to public libraries for a while now. While I have really enjoyed my time in education, I wanted to do more in the community and work with a wider range of people and the public library allows me to do that,” Kirchoff said.

There are benefits for residents that use the opportunities at the library.

“One of the biggest benefits to using the public library is saving money. I love saving money. If I can borrow a book or a DVD for free, instead of paying for a hardback book ($30) or a paperback ($12) or even to rent a movie on Amazon ($2.50-$5), I’m going to do that. I live in town so my property taxes help pay for this library. I definitely get my money’s worth quickly and then at that point, I’m getting more out of the library than what I originally put in,” Kirchoff said.

Plans are already in the works for activities and events at RPL for the fall.

“We’re already planning ahead for the fall with our toddler and story times as well as our children and teens after school programming. I’ll be working closely with our young adult/adult librarian, Ashley Mohr, to add some additional programming and book clubs for the adults,” Kirchoff added. “We’ve already started some brainstorming for a haunted walking tour of Rushville and perhaps a book club that meets monthly at a restaurant in the evening.”

“While face-to-face is what we always prefer and what we’re hoping for, if we have to go online again we want to be ready and to be able to translate as much of our fall programming virtually, whether that’s through social media, YouTube videos or Zoom. When I wore my other hat as a school librarian, I incorporated a lot of technology into lessons and I think that’ll come in handy if we are going virtual in the fall and winter,” Kirchoff said.

In addition to the traditional services of a public library like books and videos, answering questions and programming, RPL has many other services available.

“Wish you had a neighborhood Kinko’s? You do. We can fax, laminate and make copies in black and white or color. Need a computer or WiFi? We’ve got that too. If a major storm rolls through town and your WiFi is out, we can help. Need a notary public? Our RPL bookkeeper, Rhonda Albrecht can help you out there. Do you know someone that wants to come to the library but just can’t get out and about? We provide homebound service to our patrons that can’t come and see us,” Kirchoff said. “And did you know RPL can get pretty much any book, DVD or audiobook you want, whether we carry it or not? Pam Vogel is our interlibrary loan librarian and she goes out of her way finding materials and requesting materials from other Indiana libraries. When they arrive at RPL, she gives you a call to come pick them up.”

The library is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It will be open 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday through June and July.

“We’re definitely open and ready to see not just our regular patrons, but new faces as well. See us on our website or our Facebook page Rushville Public Library,” Kirchoff said.

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