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Parliamentary question - E-000907/2021Parliamentary question

Legislative initiatives addressing voluntary idling of cars

Question for written answer  E-000907/2021
to the Commission
Rule 138
Vlad Gheorghe (Renew)

Voluntary idling of cars represents a serious danger for the environment and for public health in terms of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emissions. In addition, engine idling leads to fuel waste and damages the components responsible for vehicle safety. Some Member States have successfully introduced idling limits on a national level. However, the lack of a common EU approach to this issue is jeopardising our efforts to achieve climate neutrality, reduce pollution and prevent related health problems.

The Commission 2021 work programme includes, among the Fit for 55 package objectives, the revision of the regulation setting CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and for new light commercial vehicles.

Last updated: 5 March 2021
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