Four weeks after declaring a local emergency on homelessness, the Board of Supervisors on February 7, 2023 unanimously approved a $609.7 million budget for the Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative for fiscal year 2023-24, the largest investment in any given year to date to prevent and address homelessness.

This budget will help fund a heightened focus on three key missions for the County in collaboration with cities and other local partners:

  • Reducing encampments to bring unsheltered people indoors
  • Increasing interim and permanent housing placements
  • Ramping up mental health and substance use disorder services for people experiencing homelessness

In addition to the $609.7 million budget funded by 2023-24 Measure H and state Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) grants, the Board simultaneously approved an additional $76.9 million to expand housing and services that the County provides in collaboration with local cities, as well as for innovative new programs.

The FY 2023-24 Homeless Initiative Funding Recommendations approved by the Board do not encompass all the County’s investments to address and prevent homelessness but represents a significant portion.