Go Time in Fort Worth with Mayor Mattie Parker

200 years of Texas Rangers

Episode Summary

Known as one of the world's oldest and proudest law enforcement organizations, the Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Rangers are commemorating 200 years of service to the State of Texas in 2023 -- and they are kicking off a year of celebrations at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo in Fort Worth. To talk about the organization's history and plans for the Bicentennial, Mayor Parker sits down with Chairman of the Texas Rangers Bicentennial Committee, Russell Molina, and a retired Ranger from Fort Worth, Captain Bob Prince. Learn more about the Texas Ranger Bicentennial events: texasranger2023.org

Episode Notes

Known as one of the world's oldest and proudest law enforcement organizations, the Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Rangers are commemorating 200 years of service to the State of Texas in 2023 -- and they are kicking off a year of celebrations at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo in Fort Worth. To talk about the organization's history and plans for the Bicentennial, Mayor Parker sits down with Chairman of the Texas Rangers Bicentennial Committee, Russell Molina, and a retired Ranger from Fort Worth, Captain Bob Prince. 

Learn more about the Texas Ranger Bicentennial events: texasranger2023.org



A podcast hosted by Mayor Mattie Parker, Go Time takes a look at current city issues, innovative Fort Worth residents, and how we are moving the 13th largest city in the nation forward.




Learn more about Go Time and nominate a future Go Time guest at fortworthtexas.gov/gotime. Listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts. 

Go Time is produced by staff here at the City of Fort Worth: Bethany Warner, Katy Reiss, and John-Michael Perkins.

Katy and John-Michael also produce our Water Utility’s podcast H2OMG, give it a listen.