COVID-19 restrictions replaced by public health advice
COVID-19 will remain a public health issue, and guidance for workplaces has been replaced with public health advice.
You can check the latest position and timescales for the nation you are working in:
HSE no longer expects every business to consider COVID-19 in their risk assessment or to have specific measures in place. Employers may still choose to continue to cover COVID-19 in their risk assessments.
There is a requirement to protect those who will come into contact with the virus due to their work activity.
You can find advice for people who may be at higher risk such as those who are immunosuppressed.
Complying with general health and safety law
Employers must, as always, comply with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 for welfare facilities[4]. We have guidance on providing sufficient general ventilation[5] in workplaces.
Construction sites must comply with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015[6] by providing adequate welfare facilities[7], as well as fresh air in line with Regulation 33.
People who come into contact with COVID-19 due to their work activity
Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 Regulations (COSHH)[8], employers must protect workers who come into contact with COVID-19:
- directly through their work, for example in researching the virus in laboratories
- due to their work activity, such as health and social care workers caring for infectious patients
In these cases, employers must still do a risk assessment and implement control measures.
COSHH does not cover situations where:
- one employee catches a respiratory infection from another
- a member of the public has infected an employee with coronavirus through general transmission in the workplace
You can find guidance on infections at work[9] and health and social care[10].
Talking with workers
Although HSE will no longer expect COVID-19 control measures, employers must continue to consult workers and their representatives on any changes they make that might affect health and safety.
You can find guidance on consulting and involving your workers[11].
RIDDOR reporting of COVID-19
There is guidance on the circumstances when you should make a report[12] under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR).
Advice from public health bodies and other government departments
COVID-19 remains a public health issue and there is public health advice that businesses can use to reduce the risk.
Please refer to the relevant guidance for the country you are working in:
Protecting those who may be at higher risk
People who are immunosuppressed
There is guidance from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) on protecting immunosuppressed people[16].
People previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable
You can also find DHSC guidance for people previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19[17].
Wales[18] and Scotland[19] have separate advice for groups of workers who may be at higher risk.
The United Kingdom Health Security Agency has guidance for employers on the COVID-19 vaccination[20].
There is Acas advice on getting the coronavirus vaccine for work[21].
Separate guidance applies for vaccination in Scotland[22] and Wales[23].
Other advice
Acas has more advice for employers and workers on COVID-19[24].
Page last reviewed: 1 November 2022