News Feeds & Subscriptions
Developer Resources
USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is making data available through an Application Programming Interface (API) to better serve customers. The data in the API are available in JSON format and provide attribute-based querying.
RSS Feeds
Really Simple Syndication (RSS), is another way for FSIS to distribute information from the website to our visitors. You can easily subscribe to these feeds using RSS Readers.
Tip: To use RSS, you will need an RSS reader (such as My MSN, My Yahoo, Firefox Browser, and other downloadable RSS Readers). You may need a plug-in for your browser.
Email Subscription
When you subscribe, you will get an email update when changes have been made to your selected pages.
You can add or delete subscription items at any time and you have the option to password protect your account.
Subscription Categories and Subcategories are listed below. You may subscribe to an entire category and automatically receive new items added under that same heading.
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This is a free service provided for FSIS by GovDelivery, Inc. ("From" address is Your email address will only be used to deliver the requested information or to give you access to your profile of subscriptions.
Mobile Applications
An application or "app" is a software program designed to run on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. To make our digital content available anytime, anywhere, FSIS offers these apps for your Apple and Android devices. Use them to keep better informed about the safety of your meat, poultry and egg products.
The FoodKeeper can help you use food while at peak quality and reduce waste. The storage times listed are intended as useful guidelines and are not hard-and-fast rules. Some foods may deteriorate more quickly while others may last longer than the times suggested. The times will vary depending on the growing conditions, harvesting techniques, manufacturing processes, transportation and distribution conditions, nature of the food, and storage temperatures. Remember to buy foods in reasonable quantities and rotate the products in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer.
Every year, billions of pounds of good food go to waste in the U.S. because consumers are not sure of its quality or safety. By reducing food waste through buying appropriate quantities, storing foods properly, cooking what is needed and composting, consumers can save money and reduce the amount of food going to landfills.
MPI Directory
The USDA MPI Directory provides access to information on regulated establishments that produce meat, poultry, and/or egg products as regulated by USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. This app allows customers to look up or search establishments by location or ZIP code, type of inspection, establishment name or number and type of establishment.