Virtual Events this Week
Jan. 21 - Virtual Hiring Event: Healthcare Jobs Jan. 21 - San Antonio - Soldiers’ Angels Veteran Food Distribution Jan. 21 - PAVE Connect: Top Tips for Career Networking Jan. 21 - Sharing the Journey virtual caregiver support Jan. 22 - Atlanta - Soldiers’ Angels Veteran Food Distribution Jan. 26 - Resources to Help Your Business Rebound Jan. 27 - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention: A VA Psychiatrist’s Perspective
IRS Free File available; claim Recovery Rebate Credit and other tax credits
IRS Free File online products are available to any taxpayer or family who earned $72,000 or less in 2020. MilTax online software is also now available and the free products support mobile use, so you can file from your phone!
Veterans Outreach Coordinator job open at University of Florida Health Program
Operation Family Caregiver makes a difference for military families
Operation Family Caregiver (OFC) provides coaching and support to caregivers of all types and it's free. Caregivers who have completed the program report fewer health complaints, less depression, and reduced anxiety for their children.
Rediscover your purpose and passion for life
Borne The Battle: Scott Stump, CEO Desert Storm Memorial
Veteran Scott Stump spent the past decade of his life working to establish the nation’s first National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial. Learn more about his work in this week’s episode.
Borne The Battle Bonus Episode: CARES Act Home Loan Breakdown
If you have a federally backed loan (VA, FHA, USDA, etc) and are having difficulty paying your mortgage due to the coronavirus pandemic, deadlines are approaching to apply for CARES Act forbearance or foreclosure assistance. Listen to this bonus episode which breaks down how to apply.