Math Inventory and Reading Inventory Score Report for Families

Understanding your student's results on reading and math progress assessments

After each Math Inventory (MI) and Reading Inventory (RI) assessment window, student results are shared with parents and guardians and are used by teachers to inform instructional planning. Contents of the official Fairfax County Public Schools score report are provided below. Further information is also available for any students who took part in additional diagnostic assessments.

What information does the report include?

The FCPS MI/RI score report provides performance information from the student's most recent test in a testing window. Reports are generated in fall, winter, and spring. Families will only receive a report for a window when the student took one or both of these tests. 

The report provides the current score (Lexile and Quantile) and current performance level (Advanced, Proficient, Basic, Below Basic). It also indicates whether the student's current score met the grade level end-of-year benchmark (Met, Not Met) and provides an overall description of proficiency for the current test (Meets Expectations, Approaching Expectations, Below Expectations). The target end-of-year grade level range for performance is provided for reference. 

How are scores reported to families?

When a student takes a Math Inventory and/or Reading Inventory test in a testing window, families receive a custom score report within 1 month of the close of the testing window. 

  • The custom report is posted to the SIS ParentVUE Documents section
  • Numerical scores are posted to the SIS ParentVUE Test History section
  • For families without a ParentVUE account, the custom report distributed to the family from the school 

FULL TEXT: MI/RI Score Report Letter


To the Parents/Guardians of ________________________SID: ________________GRD: _____ 

Your student recently took a Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) screener assessment for mathematics and/or reading. Math Inventory is a computerized test that assesses students’ mathematics understanding along a developmental continuum. The Math Inventory generates a Quantile® (Q) score. Reading Inventory is a computerized assessment that evaluates students’ reading ability. The Reading Inventory generates a reader Lexile® (L) score. Teachers use inventory results together with performance on other assessments to help plan appropriate instruction and support as students learn new concepts and skills. Your student’s assessment results from the recent testing window are reported in the chart below.

Current score provides a way to measure growth. You can compare your student’s current score to the end-of-year grade level range. You can also compare your student’s scores from one window to the next to see progress in reading or mathematics. Generally, a student’s Quantile and Lexile scores will increase throughout the school year. When the current score is a negative value, it means that your student performed at the early stages of mathematics or literacy development on this current assessment.

Current performance level indicates how your student’s score compares to end-of-year expectations. In FCPS, a performance level of Proficient or Advanced is considered to meet benchmark; a performance level of Basic or Below Basic is considered to not meet benchmark. For students who do not meet the test benchmark, school staff review available data to determine if additional assessments and/or interventions are needed. The school will communicate any additional diagnostic scores and intervention plans with identified goals for your student.

If you have questions about these assessment results or your student’s strengths and needs in mathematics or reading, please contact your student’s teacher. If your student qualifies for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) services, please keep in mind that the screener assessment is administered in English, and your student is in the process of developing English language proficiency. Contact your student’s ESOL teacher for information on your student’s English language development.

                 For a translation of this document, please visit the webpage at or contact your student’s school.

Testing Window: __________________            Administered By __________________

Test Information


Assessment: ___

Current Score: ___

Test Date: ___

Current Performance Level: ___

End-of-Year Grade Level Range: ___

Benchmark Status: ____

  Overall Proficiency: ____

PRINTABLE PDFs: Translations of MI/RI Score Report Letter

Select a preferred language to view the FCPS translation of this score report 


Find out more about Math Inventory and Reading Inventory