Check out the resources to help you succeed in the program.
Eligible substance use disorder (SUD) treatment clinicians and community health workers can apply to the Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery (STAR) Loan Repayment Program.
Why should I apply?
We offer up to $250,000 in educational loan repayment.
What do you expect from me in return?
If you receive an award, you must work full-time for six years in a facility approved for the STAR Loan Repayment Program.
Am I eligible?
Review our STAR Loan Repayment Program requirements.
You must be:
A United States citizen, national, or permanent resident.
Fully licensed, credentialed in an eligible discipline, and a registered SUD professional.
Can I apply if my facility is below this year's Overdose Mortality Rate threshold?
You should be employed at, or have accepted a position, at a facility approved for the STAR Loan Repayment Program that is located in:
Either a county (or a municipality, if not contained within any county) where the mean drug overdose death rate per 100,000 people over the past three years for which official data is available from the state, is higher than the most recent available national average overdose death rate per 100,000 people, as reported by the CDC, OR
In a mental health professional shortage area.
For the Fiscal Year 2024 application cycle, the STAR Loan Repayment Program will use 32.6 as the most recent available national average overdose death rate per 100,000 people, as reported by the CDC.
We have two tiers for award funding priority. For either tier, you must be an eligible clinician.
Tier 1
You work at a facility approved for the STAR Loan Repayment Program. The facility is in a county where the drug overdose death rate for the past three years is higher than the most recent national average.
After funding priority, we will select applicants according to the duration of tenure at the facility approved for the STAR Loan Repayment Program.
Why is the STAR Loan Repayment Program important?
There's a need for SUD treatment health care workers across the United States.
The STAR Loan Repayment Program:
Supports treatment teams.
Complements other SUD loan repayment programs.
Expands the eligible pool of disciplines and treatment facilities.
New to STAR Loan Repayment Program service?
Watch the webinar recording: STAR Loan Repayment Program - Welcome to Service. It provides a helpful overview of your service requirements and addresses many FAQs about the program, including:
Primary requirements of the STAR Loan Repayment Program service contract.
How to receive credit for service and report vacations or sick leave.
Additional resources to help you complete your term of service successfully.
How to connect with us
Call: 1-800-221-9393 | TTY: 1-877-897-9910 M - F | 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET (except federal holidays) Use our contact form.